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The Young Scholars’ Workshop was hosted by the Asian Law Institute at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, on 21 September 2016.

The workshop encouraged young scholars to mold their research and writing toward law-and-society topics relating to Asian societies, advanced their knowledge and understanding of the field, and strived to build an intellectual community among them. It offered insights into key debates and analytical trends in the field, research methodologies, writing and publishing, and a valuable opportunity for the participants to receive feedback on their research projects and papers.

Workshop Participants

Name Institution
Mr Arm TUNGNIRUN Stanford University
Mr Benjamin LAWRENCE University of Victoria
Ms Lillian Hsiao-Ling SU University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mr Md Anisur RAHMAN National University of Singapore
Dr Nyi Nyi KYAW National University of Singapore
Ms Sarah BISHOP Australian National University
Ms Sumithra DHANARAJAN National University of Singapore
Ms Tu Phuong NGUYEN Australian National University
Ms Qian LIU University of Victoria

Workshop Facilitators

Assistant Professor Lynette J. CHUA (Chair)
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

Professor David M. ENGEL
State University of New York at Buffalo Law School

Professor Valerie HANS
Cornell Law School

Professor Andrew HARDING
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

Professor Alec Stone SWEET
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore