Prof Sukarmi
Universitas Brawijaya
Competition Law
One of the economic rights is the right to conduct fair business competition without violating the economic rights of other business actors and consumers. True protection of business competition is the main goal for policy makers and business competition law enforcers. The positions of the parties affected by competition investigations saw lively and often strongly worded debate regarding the “fairness” of the competition process before the Commission. The tension between freedom of business and protection of real business competition also becomes apparent. As a result, fundamental questions arise about where a line should be drawn between the pursuit of competition through administrative measures and the effective protection of business freedom. It is necessary to examine what human rights aspects exist in Business Competition Law. In personal rights in the field of economic law, it concerns the issue of unfair business competition, especially the issue of democracy in the economic sector, which requires equal. In opportunities for every citizen to participate in the production and marketing process of goods and/or services, in a healthy business climate, effective and efficient so as to encourage reasonable economic growth. Every person who does business in Indonesia must be in a situation of healthy and reasonable competition, so that it does not give rise to a concentration of economic power in certain business actors or groups.
Sukarmi is a professor of competition law at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya since 2022. Her research focuses on competition law, international trade law and international law. She served as Head of the Master of Notary study program from 2005 to 2006. Apart from being a lecturer, from 2007 to 2012 she served as a Commissioner of the Indonesia Competition Commission, and had become Deputy Chairman of Indonesia Competition Commission in 2010-2011. Then in 2013 until 2018 was re-elected as Commissioner of Indonesia Competition Commission. Brief educational history S1 studies were completed at the Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University in 1986 - 1990, then continued S2 studies at the Padjadjaran University Postgraduate Program in Bandung 1996 -1999. Had returned to campus for one year, then resumed his doctoral studies at the Padjadjaran University Postgraduate Program Bandung in 2001-2005. She has written at least a few books, including Anti Dumping Regulation under the Shadow of WTO, Cyber Law: Electronic Contracts Under the Shadow of Business Actors and Business Competition Law Between Text and Context (In Bahasa).