Assoc Prof Mridula Devi
University of Science& Technology
Human Rights
Rule of Law:An Indian Narratives in the Context of State of Assam
Rule of Law: An Indian Narratives in the Context of State of Assam In recent past, there has been a substantial increase in concern for the rule of law. Rule of law in its other term, is a new ‘lingua franca’ of global moral thought. Rule of law, sometimes called ‘the supremacy of law’, provides the terrain of people’s struggle for known principles of laws without the intervention of discretion in their application. Presently, rule of law is considered to be the pillars of modernity and widely considered necessary for sustained economic development, the implementation of democracy and the protection of human rights. Asian countries, on the other hand begun to focus on rule of law and good governance and the institutional reforms which is required to bring them about. The rule of law is no more the feature of the English political system but a profound discourse for Asiatic country like India where the political system had been imported, with or without modifications and consequently the subsequent encroachment upon the rule of law have taken place. In several Asian countries, the post-colonial discourses and conflicts resulted in an attempt to inject local values into their legal system. The effect of globalization, rapid utilization of automated artificial intelligence in human life veers the edifice of rule of law. Though Article-14 of the Constitution of India narrate rule of law, yet the time is surely for construction of multicultural narratives of rule of law with the spirit of unity. The overall goal of this paper is to focus the inclusive of rule of law in India and in Assam with mutual diversity among Asian countries. Key words: Lingua franca, democracy, good governance, globalization, Artificial Intelligence
Name: Dr. Mridula Devi Institution: University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya Designation: Associate Professor Qualification: B.Sc,LL.M,PhD,Research Guide Experience:26years Research Interest: Human Rights, Criminal Law