Centre for Maritime Law

About Centre for Maritime Law

The Centre for Maritime Law (CML) aims to be the industry leader for maritime law research in Singapore and in the region, and also contributes to the needs and aspirations of the wider international maritime law community. Our research focus is private (commercial) maritime law, including: admiralty law and maritime arbitration; carriage of goods and passengers by sea; charterparties; the international sale of goods carried by sea; trade finance law; ship finance law; all aspects of the law relating to maritime casualties arising at sea; maritime private international law issues; marine insurance law; and oil and gas law... (more)

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Article: "Blockchain bills of lading and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records" [2020] Journal of Business Law 202-218 by CML Research Associate Elson Ong (subscription required)

CML Working Paper: The Effectiveness Of The Maritime Labour Convention's Financial Security Certificates In Resolving Claims For Unpaid Seafarers' Wages by Mr Eugene Cheng is now available online. For more working papers, click here

CML Working Paper: Concurrent Causation and Proportional Liability in Chinese Insurance Law by Dr Zhao Liang is now available online. For more working papers, click here

CML Working Paper: Insuring Remotely Operated Vessels: Tempestuous Waters for Hull Insurers? by Dr Ayşegül Buğra is now available online. For more working papers, click here

CML Working Paper: Shipping Law, Shipping Lawyers and Admiralty Courts: The Future - The Next 5-10 Years by Sir Peter Gross is now available online. For more working papers, click here

CML Working Paper: Challenging a Third-Party Expert Determination by Professor Djakhongir Saidov is now available online. For more working papers, click here

CML Working Paper: Aspects of Ship Finance: The Market, Ship Mortgages and their Enforcement by Professor Stephen Girvin is now available online. For more working papers, click here

CML Working Paper: Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency in China by Xu Jingchen is now available online. For more working papers, click here

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Faculty of Law :: National University of Singapore ::
Eu Tong Sen Building, 469G Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259776
+65 6516 1305 (Tel) :: +65 6779 0979 (Fax) :: cml@nus.edu.sg (E)
