Adjunct External Fellow
Senior Associate, Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein
Jörg is a lawyer at Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in Hamburg. He has extensive knowledge of shipping law, onshore and maritime labour law, the restructuring of shipping companies, transactions relating to wind farm projects, energy and private construction law, and national and international litigation and arbitration. Before joining Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2009, Jörg obtained his LL.M. degree in Maritime Law as part of the 2008/2009 class at NUS. Prior to that, he worked as a research assistant at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. He first qualified as a lawyer in Germany in 2005, after having completed his studies at the University in Münster. He is regularly invited to tutor members of the German Shipowners' Association in maritime labour law. He co-authored Annotations to the new German Maritime Labour Act.
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The amendments to the German Maritime Labour Act since its enactment - an Update, Recht der Transportwirtschaft, Essay, 16.01.2017 |
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Liability of terminal operator for lifting contaminated goods, International Law Office, Essay, 02.09.2015 |
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Annotations to German Maritime Labour Act, Bubenzer/Noltin/Peetz/Mallach, Munich, 01.04.2015 |
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Work-related safety and employment Law, (Co-Author) in Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg (editors): Hamburg Manual - Offshore wind energy from the legal perspective, 2014 |
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New working time regulation for offshore personnel, International Law Office, Essay, 11.09.2013 |
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Carrier found responsible for acts of instructed fraudulent actual carrier, International Law Office, Essay, 18.01.2012\ |
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Piracy: criminal liability risks when using armed private security teams, International Law Office, Essay, 14.09.2011 |
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The applicability of German labour law on workers of international transport companies; Comments on the Judgment of the European Court of Justice dated 15.3.2011 - C-29/10 - [Koelzsch], Entscheidungssammlung zum Arbeitsrecht (EzA) EG-Vertrag 1999 Verordnung 593/2008 Nr. 1, S. 13-23 |
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Federal Court of Justice clarifies extent of carrier's lien, International Law Office, Essay, 16.02.2011 |
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The international jurisdiction of German employment courts in maritime law matters; Comments on the Judgment of the Federal Labour Court dated 24.9.2009 - file number 8 AZR 306/08, Entscheidungssammlung zum Arbeitsrecht (EzA) EG-Vertrag 1999 Verordnung 44/2001 Nr. 4, S. 15-24 |
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Iran sanctions pose risk for German maritime industry, Lloyd's List Article, 13.10.2010 |
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Burden of proof in case of lost goods, International Law Office, Essay, 10.02.2010 |