Centre for Maritime Law

CML Events

CML Seminar Series: Foreign Anti-Suit Injunctions in China
Speaker: Dr Zhao Liang, Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Convenor: Associate Professor Paul Myburgh

Dr Zhao Liang, Assistant Professor at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, gave an engaging presentation on the interesting and often intractable issue of foreign anti-suit injunctions; an issue that frequently features in cross-border shipping disputes.

He provided participants with an update on recent English anti-suit injunction cases involving Chinese parties in the areas of shipbuilding and ship finance, and explained the Chinese courts' position on potential or actual parallel proceedings. Dr Zhao also gave an in-depth analysis of the complex Chinese rules of jurisdiction and applicable law with reference to the PRC Maritime Code, other relevant legislation, and judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme Court. Dr Zhao's presentation provided a valuable comparative insight to seminar participants from Common Law backgrounds.

The seminar closed with a Q&A session in which the speaker and participants discussed, amongst other issues, the recognition and enforcement of international arbitration awards in China - a topic of interest to many academics and practitioners in Singapore, which aims to be a global ADR hub.

Event Flyer : http://law.nus.edu.sg/pdfs/cml/events/CMLSS_20160721_flyer.pdf

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