Member, Executive Committee
Founder of the Rotterdam law firm Trains & Co
Lecturer at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam
Dr Michiel Spanjaart was a Post-doctoral Fellow at NUS from August 2013 - July 2015 and MPA Visiting Professor of Maritime Law at NUS in August 2015, teaching an intensive elective course on Multimodal Transport Law. He is currently a lecturer at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) as well as an advocate with the Rotterdam law firm Trains & Co. Prior to founding Trains & Co, Michiel was an advisor of Kneppelhout & Korthals Advocaten, a partner with Padberg Spanjaart Advocaten, and before that a partner with DLA Piper. His practice areas include transport, insurance and commercial law.
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M. Spanjaart, Multimodal Transport Law, Routledge 2017 |
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M. Spanjaart, The successive carrier: a relic from the past Uniform Law Review - Revue de droit uniforme 2016, 1-12; |
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M. Spanjaart, Transfennica v. Schenker, the system of articles 17 and 23 CMR TranspR 2016, 383; |
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M. Spanjaart, Endorsement, delivery, possession and holdership (2015) 21 JIML 18 (The Erin Schulte). |
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M. Spanjaart, The surrender of the bill of lading 'duly endorsed' (2014) 20 JIML 327; |
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M. Spanjaart, Vorderingsrechten uit cognossement (Rights of suit under a bill of lading), Paris 2012; |
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M. Spanjaart, Godafoss, the applicability of the CMR within multimodal contracts of carriage, TranspR 2012, 278; |
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M. Spanjaart, The Konnossementsbegebungsvertrag - a suggestion for further reformation, TranspR 2011, 335; |
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M. Spanjaart, Rechtsmacht in verzekeringszaken (Jurisdiction in insurance matters), NTHR 2006, 225; |
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M. Spanjaart, De Himalaya-clausule en de derdenwerking van algemene voorwaarden (The Himalaya-clause and the operation of general conditions against third parties), TVR 2006, 84; |
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M. Spanjaart & E.J.L. Bulthuis, Het hellend vlak tussen de objectieve maatstaf en het Haviltex criterium, of de uitleg van cognossementsbepalingen (The gliding scale between the objective norm and the Haviltex-criterion, or the interpretation of the provisions of the bill of lading), WPNR 2004, 399; |
Working Papers: