Visiting Scholars & Researchers in AY 2010-2011

Visiting Scholar in AY 2010-2011
  Zou Yingying
People’s Republic of China
March 2011 to September 2011

Yingying Zou obtained her Ph.D Degree in law from Erasmus University Rotterdam, and now is a Professor of Law at Law School of Shanghai Maritime University, and the Vice dean of the Law School.

Her research interests are in the field of maritime law and also extend to shipping competition regulations and Policies for shipping industry. She had published Delivery of Goods by the Carrier under the Contract of Carriage by Sea, a Focus on China (EUR, 2005) and a series of academic papers in several significant journals and international conferences. Her current researches focus on the improvement of Maritime Code of China and the promotion policies for shipping industry in China.

Since later 1990, Prof. Zou has been taking part in a series of state shipping legislations and governmental consultancies in China, and is one of the members of some expert panels under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport of China. In 1997, she was admitted to the National Bar of China and has legal practical experience in China.
Visiting Researchers in AY 2010-2011
  Yeh Ji Hee
South Korea
March 2011 to June 2011

Yeh Ji Hee is a presiding judge in Daegeon, Uijeongbu District Court in South Korea. She graduated from Yonsei University’s undergraduate and graduate school and passed the Korean bar exam in 1990. She has previously worked as a judge in Taegu, Bucheon, Seoul District Court and the Supreme Court.

She specializes in civil cases, intellectual property rights and family law. She is a member of the Society of Research in Medical Law and the Society of Research in Intellectual Property Law in South Korea. She has also published some articles about Intellectual Property Law. She plans to research the Singapore legal system and the development of intellectual property rights in Singapore.
  Jothie Rajah
February 2011 to September 2011

Jothie Rajah obtained her PhD at the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne. Most recently, she has been a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for the Study of Law & Society at UC Berkeley. In September 2011, she joins the American Bar Foundation as a Research Professor. Her monograph, Legislating Illiberalism: Law, Discourse and Legitimacy in Singapore, is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press (New York). Her current research focuses on global discourses on the rule of law and colonial constructions of Hindu law in the Straits Settlements. Jothie is a graduate of the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, where she also graduated from the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty with Honours in English. She has taught at the Melbourne Law School, the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore, the Institute of Education, Singapore, and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the National University of Singapore.
  Chen Hongrui
People’s Republic of China
January 2011 to April 2011

Chen Hongrui, Irene is a Ph.D. candidate at the Silk Road Institute of International and Comparative Law, Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Law, majoring in international investment and Intellectual Property Law. She obtained her Chinese Judicial Qualification in 2003. She was an assistant lawyer with Shaanxi Jin Di Law Office and in-house legal counsel with Small & Medium Enterprises Credit Guarantee Center of the Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Industries Demonstration Zone. She is current involved in some research projects including Legal Issues of Energy Investment Aboard, funded by the Ministry of Justice P.R.C. and Interpretation of BIT Core Provisions, funded by National Social Science Fund of P.R.C. (NSCF). In addition to these, she plans to work on her research on the relationship between Calvo Doctrine and International investment Agreement(IIA) reform, focusing on multi-fictionalization of IIA.
  Mitsuru Namba
October 2010 to March 2011

Mitsuru Namba is an attorney at law at Tokyo Surugadai Law Offices, specialising in national security, human rights, and immigration and refugee law. He was called to Tokyo Bar Association in 2000, and has been a member of the Committees on Human Rights Protection, Information Issues, and International Criminal Legislation in Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). He was also a staff attorney in the Office of Human Rights Protection in the JFBA. He completed his LL.B at the University of Tokyo, and LL.M in Human Rights Law (distinction) at London School of Economics and Political Science. While at NUS, he plans to work on his research on the relationship between the discourse of international law and security in Southeast Asia and Pacific, focusing on piracy, 'religious violence' and refugee.
  Dilan Thampapillai
November 2010

Dilan Thampapillai is a Lecturer with the School of Law at Deakin University. Dilan has a BA and an LLB from the Australian National University, a Master of Commerce from the University of Sydney, an LLM from Cornell University and he is a PhD Candidate at Melbourne University. Dilan has previously studied as a visiting student at the National University of Singapore and Harvard University. Dilan researches in the field of intellectual property law and free speech. He is a solicitor admitted to practice in the Australian Capital Territory and he has previously worked as a lawyer with the Australian Attorney-General’s Department and the Australian Government Solicitor.