Course Listing

Corporate Finance Law
Last Updated Date:   8 June 2023

5 Units,  Semester 2

Course Description:
The elective course focuses on the legal aspects of corporate finance issues, i.e. raising of funds by a company from the domestic and international markets. Major topics covered include understanding financial statements and financial ratios, equity financing through listing on recognised exchanges (including reverse/backdoor listing and rights' issue) and debt financing such as syndication loans and bond issues. Advisory Note for students from Civil Law Jurisdiction: Students who have not taken lessons in trust law, contract law and company law from the common law jurisdiction may have difficulty following the course.

Course Convenor: A/P Lan Luh Luh

Co-teacher(s): NA

Course Codes: LL4188V / LL5188V / LL6188V / LLJ5188V

Contact Hours: 3hr weekly seminar

Workload: 3 hours

Mode of Assessment: Class Participation - 10%; Discussion Forum Participation – 15%; Group Presentation – 25% & Final Exam - 50%

Preclusions: LL4412/LL5412/LLJ5412/LL6412 Securities and Capital Market Regulation.

Prerequisites: NUS Compulsory Core Law Curriculum or common law equivalent.

Examination Date: Tuesday, 7 May 2024 (PM)

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