Course Listing

Law, FinTech and the Platform Economy
Last Updated Date:   18 August 2023

4 Units,  Semester 1

Course Description:
This course is designed to explore innovation and regulation of FinTech and its embedded platform economy.
FinTech and its embedded platform economy, which is empowered by information communication technologies and cantered on data-driven online platforms, has transformed the paradigms of conducting commercial and financial activities.
Through a series of lectures, seminars, and group discussions, this module will explore the new phenomenon of the platform economy, especailly the FinTech innovation pertinant to Money, Investment, Data and Innovative Dispute Resolutions. A guest lecture by an experienced practitioner will be also arranged.
A research-based, student-centred, and globally-oriented pedagogy will guide the teaching and learning engagement.

Course Convenor: Visiting Senior Fellow You Chuanman

Co-teacher(s): NA

Course Codes: LL4460 / LL5460 / LL6460 / LLJ5460

Contact Hours: 9 session over 3 weeks: Three 3hr weekly seminar

Workload: Intensive course: Wk 1 - 3; Dates: 14 Aug - 1 Sep 2023 [Mon, Wed: 6.30 - 9.30pm; & Fri: 2.30 - 5.30pm]

Mode of Assessment: Class participation - 20%; Group Presentation - 30% & Research Paper - 50% [Due: Fri, 6 Oct 2023 (9pm]

Preclusions: LL4460V/LL5460V/LL6460V/LLJ5460V Law, FinTech and the Platform Economy

Prerequisites: NUS Compulsory Core Law Curriculum or common law equivalent.

Examination Date: Different Mode of Examination

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