Course Listing

Multidisciplinary Approach to Crime & Criminal Justice
Last Updated Date:   20 June 2024

5 Units,  Semester 1

Course Description:
This is a novel elective course designed to introduce students to multi-disciplinary perspectives and skills relating to crime and criminal justice. It brings together local and international experts in their respective fields (such as criminology, enforcement, prosecution) to teach the various topics. The course is broadly divided into four segments. In terms of substantive topics, this course is broadly in three segments: (a) systems of criminal justice, (b) causes of crime, and (c) how we respond to and deal with crime. The course also introduces some basic skills necessary to understanding and evaluating criminal justice empirical research. Students who elect to take this course should generally have completed courses on Singapore criminal law and Singapore constitutional law or equivalent. Students who have not completed such courses may still elect to take this course, but must be prepared to put in additional time to read up on the basics of Singapore criminal law and Singapore constitutional law.

Course Convenor: Adjunct Prof Tai Wei Shyong

Co-teacher(s): NA

Course Codes: LL4514V / LL5514V / LL6514V / LLJ5514V

Contact Hours: 3 hour weekly seminars

Workload: 3 hours

Mode of Assessment: Class Participation - 20%; Essay: Methodology Critique (mid-term) - 20% & 3-hr Take Home Exam - 60% [Release: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 (4pm); Due: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 (7pm)]

Preclusions: LL4514/LL5514/LL6514/LLJ5514 Multidisciplinary Approach to Crime & Criminal Justice Students who already hold an undergraduate or graduate degree in criminology/criminological research

Prerequisites: NUS Compulsory Core Law Curriculum or common law equivalent.

Examination Date: Different Mode of Examination

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