Research & Conference Leave for Doctoral Candidates

Full-time doctoral candidates, who have passed the Doctoral Candidate Qualifying Examination (DCQE) are eligible to apply for research leave or conference leave to participate in local, regional or international conferences. Financial support for these activities is subject to approval by the Office of the Vice Dean (Research). The objective of the financial support is to assist doctoral candidates to pursue their research effectively. Students are required to demonstrate how the activities and the requested funding are essential to the production of their thesis. Each application is assessed on its merits.

Where financial assistance is granted, it may cover one or more of the items indicated below:

Financial Assistance Research Leave Conference Leave
Airfare Return airfare by most economical and direct route, including visa fee if applicable, from NUS.
Other Transport Other modes of transport in place of connecting/domestic flight, if approver is satisfied that the student is travelling via the most optimal mode of transport such that expenditure may be kept minimal while enabling the student to perform duties effectively and efficiently.
Accommodation Based on moderate class hotel (3 or 4 star) or conference hotel rates, as applicable.
Registration Fee If applicable

To apply for research or conference leave, please download the application form here and submit the required supporting documents to


