Examination Regulations For LLB 

A. General Regulations
» These regulations will apply to all LLB students.
» There will be a Board of Examiners (BOE) at the end of each semester.
» There will be no "Supplementary Examinations" or "Special Examinations" except as provided below.
» Unless they have been granted leave of absence, students admitted in and after AY 2007/2008 must do so within 5 years.
B. Special Examinations and Application for Special Consideration
» There may be "Special Examinations" for students who were not able to sit for an examination due to a serious illness (such as one requiring hospitalisation) or other extenuating circumstances (such as a death in the immediate family). Illnesses treatable on an outpatient basis such as fever, headache, stomach cramps, diarrhoea and stress will not ordinarily be considered as a serious illness. Excuses such as oversleeping, misreading the examination timetable and being caught in a traffic jam will not ordinarily be treated as extenuating circumstances.

In cases where the student is not able to sit for an examination due to a serious illness or other extenuating circumstances, the student shall submit a "Special Consideration Form" to the Home Faculty. For more details, please refer to this link.

» The Dean, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners, will have the discretion to allow a student to sit for a Special Examination. The transcript will reflect the grade received from the Special Examination and the actual mark will be used in calculating the Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark for the academic year and Class of Honours at the end of the Final Year.
C. Failure of Compulsory Courses
» Students who fail more than 8 units of compulsory letter graded* courses in an academic year will be required to leave the Faculty of Law.

Students who fail 8 units or less of compulsory letter graded* courses in the same academic year will be permitted to continue onto the next semester, and to repeat the failed course or courses in the next semester in which that course is (or those courses are) offered. In cases where students are required to repeat a compulsory Year 1 course in Year 2, they may, at the discretion of the Dean, be permitted or required to carry forward other Year 2 courses to Year 3.


For cohorts AY 2008/2009 and after:

If students repeat a compulsory letter graded* course and pass it, the F grade of the first attempt and the actual letter grade received in the course in the repeating year will be reflected on the transcript. The actual mark obtained when the student failed the course will be used in calculating the Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark for that academic year. In addition, the actual mark obtained when the student failed the course and the actual mark received in the repeating year will be used in calculating the Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark in the repeating year and the Class of Honours at the end of the Final Year.

If students repeating a compulsory letter graded* course fail it the second time, they will be required to leave the Faculty of Law.

*LC1015 Singapore Law in Context and LC2009 Pro Bono Service are graded on a ‘CS/CU' basis and are not considered compulsory letter graded courses.

D. Failure of Elective Courses

For cohorts AY 2008/2009 and after:

Students who fail elective courses will be required to repeat that course or take another course. The transcript will indicate a fail in that course and the actual fail mark will be used in calculating class rank for that academic year. If the student repeats the course or takes another course, the F grade of the first attempt and the grade received in repeating or taking another course will be reflected on the transcript, and both marks will be used in calculating the Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark for that academic year and the Class of Honours at the end of the final year.

E. Failure of Courses in "Final Semester"
» Students who fail 8 units or less of courses during their final semester of law studies may, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be given two options.

For cohorts AY 2008/2009 and after:
Option 1: A student may be allowed to take a Supplementary Examination during the June/July Vacation. If a student passes the Supplementary Examination, the mark that will be recorded for the computation of Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark and Class of Honours will be a pass mark. The transcript will indicate that the student failed the course but passed the Supplementary Examination.
Option 2: A student may elect to do an additional semester and carry forward the outstanding units to the additional semester. The F grade will be reflected on the transcript for that semester and the fail marks will be used in calculating the Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark for that academic year. When the student either repeats the courses or takes new courses in the additional semester, the original F grade and the grade received in the additional semester will be reflected on the transcript, and the respective marks will be used in the computation of Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark and Class of Honours.

For cohorts AY 2018/2019 and after:
Option 1: A student may be allowed to take a Supplementary Examination during the June/July Vacation. The transcript will indicate both the F grade of the course taken at the Main Examination and the grade received for the course taken at the Supplementary Examination. The respective marks for both the Main and Supplementary Examination will be used in calculating the Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark for that academic year and the Class of Honours at the end of the final year.
Option 2: A student may elect to do an additional semester and carry forward the outstanding units to the additional semester. The F grade will be reflected on the transcript for that semester and the fail marks will be used in calculating the Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark for that academic year. When the student either repeats the courses or takes new courses in the additional semester, the original F grade and the grade received in the additional semester will be reflected on the transcript, and the respective marks will be used in the computation of Cumulative Weighted Numerical Average mark and Class of Honours.
» The "final semester of law studies" is the semester in which the student would meet the requirements for graduation if the student passes all of the courses for which the student is registered.

Last Updated: 28 August 2018

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