Centre for Technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & the Law

The Centre for Technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & the Law (TRAIL) was established in NUS Law to explore the relationship between technology and the various areas of legal research.

TRAIL's focus is to inform the debate on the legal, ethical, policy, philosophical and regulatory questions associated with the use and development of information technology (IT), artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics and robotics, in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, through contributions by way of original thinking, research, writing and publications; and to collaborate with like-minded research centres around the world to further inter-disciplinary research in, and the development of, possible guidelines, standards, and solutions to the legal, ethical, policy, philosophical and regulatory issues associated with the development and application of IT, AI, data analytics and robotics in key industries.
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8th Asian Privacy Scholars Network (APSN) Conference 2019
(co-organized with EW Barker Centre for Law & Business)
5-6 December 2019
News & Announcements
