Centre for Maritime Law

Year 2016

Date Item
Oct 2016 Book Launch, "Illegality in Marine Insurance Law" by Dr Wang Feng
Sep 2016 CML-CMI Database Project, "Judicial Decisions on International Conventions"
Aug 2016 CML welcomes Visiting Senior Fellow Greg Gordon and Research Associate Luci Carey
Jun 2016 CML welcomes Visiting Senior Research Fellow Zhao Liang
Apr 2016 Book publication: Professor Stephen Girvin, Marsden and Gault on Collisions at Sea
  MPA Professorship Inaugural Lecture, "The Safe Port in Maritime Law: Decade of Certainty or Muddier Waters?" by Professor Stephen Girvin
Mar 2016 Inaugural Student Lunchtime Seminar, "Chinese Maritime Law: A Brief Introduction" by Professor Jason Chuah
Feb 2016 CML welcomes Visiting Research Professor Jason Chuah

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Faculty of Law :: National University of Singapore ::
Eu Tong Sen Building, 469G Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259776
+65 6516 1305 (Tel) :: +65 6779 0979 (Fax) :: cml@nus.edu.sg (E)
