Centre for Maritime Law

Year 2019

Date Item
October 2019 Working Paper Series: Concurrent Causation and Proportional Liability in Chinese Insurance Law by Dr Zhao Liang, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, CML
  Working Paper Series: Insuring Remotely Operated Vessels: Tempestuous Waters for Hull Insurers? by Dr Ayşegül Buğra, Visiting Research Fellow, CML
  Working Paper Series Shipping Law, Shipping Lawyers and Admiralty Courts: The Future - The Next 5-10 Years by Sir Peter GROSS, Visiting Professor, CML
September 2019 Working Paper Series: Challenging a Third-Party Expert Determination by Djakhongir SAIDOV, Visiting Professor, CML
August 2019 Working Paper Series: Aspects of Ship Finance: The Market, Ship Mortgages and their Enforcement by Stephen GIRVIN, Director, CML
July 2019 CML is pleased to share news that Paul Myburgh's edited volume, The Arrest Conventions: International Enforcement of Maritime Claims, has been published by Hart. Details about the book are available here.
  CML welcomes Dr Zhao Liang as our Visiting Senior Research Fellow. For a list of our visitors, click here.
  CML congratulates our Research Associate, Luci Carey, for completing her LLM (Maritime Law) at the National University of Singapore (2019), and for winning the Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize for the top student in the Law of Charterparties (2018) and the M Karthigesu Memorial Gold Medal and Prize for the top student in Admiralty Law and Practice and Maritime Conflict of Laws (2019).
  Working Paper Series: Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency in China by Dr Xu Jingchen, Post-Doctoral Fellow, CML
June 2019 CML welcomes Dr Ayşegül Buğra as our Visiting Research Fellow
May 2019 Working Paper Series: Managing the risks of switch bills of lading by Dr Miriam Goldby, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, CML
  Working Paper Series: Cognitive biases, letters of credit and letters of indemnity: the case study of The Erin Schulte by Dr Miriam Goldby, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, CML
  CML welcomes Adjunct Research Fellow, Mr Eugene Cheng
April 2019 Article: "Admiralty sales pendente lite: reserve prices and broker appointments" (2019) 24(5) The Journal of International Maritime Law 369-375 by Associate Professor Paul Myburgh
  Working Paper Series: Freight Forwarders' House Bills of Lading - Myth, Facts and Hope by Dr Simone Lamont-Black, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, CML
March 2019 CML is proud to participate in Panama Maritime XIV World Conference and Exhibition. Professor Stephen Girvin, Director of CML and Dr Victor Chacon, Senior Research Fellow, CML, were invited as panellists in the discussion on 'Legal implications of technological disruptions in shipping, ports and logistics & developments in maritime finances'... (more)
  CML welcomes Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Dr Miriam Goldby
Febuary 2019 CML congratulates Stephen GIRVIN, MPA Professor of Maritime Law and Director, CML for being the top 10% of Authors on SSRN in the last 12 months. Click here to view our Working Paper Series and here for SSRN.
  CML welcomes our Senior Research Fellow, Víctor Hugo Chacón
January 2019 CML is pleased to appoint Adjunct Fellows:
CML welcomes:

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