Submission Guidelines

We welcome submissions from NUS Faculty members, Adjunct Faculty, doctoral students who have passed the DCQE, post-doctoral fellows, and research fellows.

The Working Paper will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, who will make a recommendation as to whether it is suitable for publication. Members of the Committee do not take on editorial tasks and it is expected that all submissions must be ready for on-line publication at the time of submission.

Authors can expect to receive a response within two weeks, but should also bear in mind that there are certain periods in the academic year when it may take longer for the review process to be completed.

Papers may be submitted in any recognized house style/format (such as that of a particular journal or publisher) so long as it is consistently applied.

Please adhere closely to the following paper specifications listed below :

  • Author’s Title & Name, Paper Title and Email Address to be stated clearly on the cover page of the paper.
  • Provide an Abstract of no more than 250 words
  • Provide up to 5 - 8 Keywords
  • Font - Size 12, Times New Roman
  • 1.5 line spacing of text throughout, 1.0 for indented quotations and footnotes
  • Microsoft Word Document Format

Papers should be emailed to Yvonne at 

Author’s responsibility
The author is responsible for citation checks and ensuring that all footnotes are correct and properly numbered. The use of online cross-references is encouraged, but the author should ensure that all links are correct and up-to-date. Submissions must be carefully proof-read prior to submission.

Publication in NUS Law Working Paper Series does not prejudice subsequent publication elsewhere, subject to the latter publication’s terms and conditions. Publishers often require that papers have not previously been published in the exact form in the Working Paper Series, though may accept papers which have been modified by the time of final publication with them. Authors should clarify the question of subsequent publication with the journal or book editors to whom they are considering submitting their work.

Authors should sign and submit the License Agreement Form (hardcopy) to Yvonne at VD Research Office.
Click HERE to download the License Agreement Form.
