Centre for Legal Theory
Personal Particulars
Professor Guoying SHU
Department & Institution
Law School
China University of Political Science and Law
Email Contact
Department & Institution
Law School
China University of Political Science and Law
Email Contact
Research Interests
Legal Methodology
Legal Reasoning
Legal Methodology
Legal Reasoning
Representative Publications
Guoying Shu, ‘On the Influence of Modern Natural Science on Jurisprudence - Taking the Legal Rationalism in the 17th and 18th Centuries as the Focus of Investigation’ (2014) 32(5) Law Review 14
Guoying Shu, ‘The Formation and Development of the Legal Theory in Germany in the 19th Century Based on the Investigation of the Knowledge Pedigree of Modern European Law’ (2016) 28(1) Peking University Law Journal 5
Guoying Shu, ‘The Legal Construction of Georg Friedrich Puchta: Theory and Method’ (2016) 2 Journal of Comparative Law 1
Guoying Shu, ‘The Theory of Natural Law in Europe in the 17th and 18th Centuries: Methodology, Knowledge Pedigree and Function’ (2014) 27(5) Journal of Comparative Law 1
Guoying Shu, ‘The Formation and Development of the Legal Theory in Germany in the 19th Century Based on the Investigation of the Knowledge Pedigree of Modern European Law’ (2016) 28(1) Peking University Law Journal 5
Guoying Shu, ‘The Legal Construction of Georg Friedrich Puchta: Theory and Method’ (2016) 2 Journal of Comparative Law 1
Guoying Shu, ‘The Theory of Natural Law in Europe in the 17th and 18th Centuries: Methodology, Knowledge Pedigree and Function’ (2014) 27(5) Journal of Comparative Law 1