Centre for Legal Theory

Conference & Working Paper Series


LEOW, Rachel, “Attribution: Companies in Private Law” (Paper to be presented at the LSE Private Law Forum, London School of Economics, United Kingdom, 17 October 2019)
LEOW, Rachel, “Proper Purposes” (Paper to be presented at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2019, University of Central Lancashire, 3-6 September 2019)
JAMAL, Arif, “Islamic Wealth Management in Singapore” (Paper presented at the 3rd Trusts & Wealth Management Conference organized by SMU and SAL, held in Singapore on 1-2 August 2019.)
PENNER, James, “Justifying private law: reasons-fundamentalist instrumentalism and the Kantian account” (Paper presented at the Justifying Private Law Conference at University of New South Wales, Sydney, 19-20 July 2019)
HALPIN, Andrew, “Some Central Puzzles Regarding the Relationships between Competence (Power), Permission (Liberty), Decision and Choice” (Paper presented at the Special Workshop on Legal Competence at the 29th IVR World Congress, Lucerne, Switzerland, 7-12 July 2019)
PENNER, James, “The Office of Trusteeship and its Discontents” (Paper presented at Law Journal Symposium, University of Toronto, , Canada, 13-14 June 2019)
LEOW, Rachel, “The Place of Unjust Enrichment in Singapore” (Paper presented at The Place of Restitution in the Modern Law: 30 Years after ‘An Introduction to the Law of Restitution’, University of Leeds, England, 11 June 2019)
MEJIA-LEMOS, Diego, “Customary International Law and the Regulation of the Sources of International Law” (Paper presented at the Conference on The Theory and Philosophy of Customary International law and its Interpretation, University of Groningen, Netherlands, 24-25 May 2019)
BAIN, William, “The Myth of the Grotian Tradition and Why it Matters for the Theory of International Society” (Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association, Toronto, 27-30 March 2019)

SIMESTER, Andrew, ‘The Four Foundational Principles of Criminal Law’ (Lecture presented at the Uppsala University, 24 January 2019, Sweden)


PENNER, James, 'Fiduciaries Behaving Badly: When and How is ‘Bad Faith’ Relevant?’ (Paper presented at the ‘Trust and Fiduciaries’ conference, , 17-18 December 2018, Melbourne Law School, Australia)

BAIN, William, ‘Theorising the States System in the Mirror of Theology’ (Paper presented at the Institute for Conflict, Cooperation and Security, 12 December 2018, University of Birmingham)   BAIN William, ‘Myth, Anachronism, and the English School: Rethinking Grotius and the Theory of International Society’ (Paper presented at the School of International Relations, 10 December 2018, University of St Andrews)

SIMESTER, Andrew & STANTON-IFE, John, ‘Justifications and Numbers’ (Paper presented at the Michaelmas Hearings series at King’s College, London, October 2018)

PENNER, James, 'Don’t Crash into Mick Jagger when He is Driving his Rolls Royce: Liability in Damages for Economic Loss Consequent upon a Personal Injury’ (Paper presented at the ‘Civil Wrongs’ conference, 5-6 October 2018, Rutgers Law School, USA)  
BAIN, William, ‘Political Theology of International Order’ (Paper presented at the Kellogg Institute, 24 September 2018, University of Notre Dame)

BAIN, William, ‘Political Theology of International Order’ (Invited Lecture presented at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, 25 September 2018, University of Notre Dame, USA)

FIELD, Sandra, ‘Book Workshop Sandra Field's Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics’ (One-day workshop at the University Center for Human Values, 10 August 2018, Princeton University, USA)

HALPIN, Andrew, "Exploring a uniform deontic operator, with assistance from Bentham" (Paper presented at the Bentham and the Arts seminar series, 25 April 2018, University College London, London)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, ‘Why Authority? A Jurisprudence between Plurality and Pluralism’ (Paper presented at the Julius Stone Institute Seminar Series, 22 March 2018, University of Sydney)


JAMAL, Arif, Working papers on SSRN 'Considering Freedom of Religion in a Post-Secular Context: Hapless or Hopeful?' (Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, Forthcoming)

FIELD, Sandra, ‘Potentia and Potestas: A False Dichotomy’ (Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting on 1 September 2017 in San Francisco, USA)

HALPIN, Andrew, ‘Hohfeld, Deontic Logic and the Uncast Role of the Deontic Operator’ (Paper presented at the Edinburgh Legal Theory Festival, 31 May 2017)

BAIN, William, ‘Modern International Relations and Medieval Theology’’ (Paper presented at the St Andrews University, 11 May 2017)

BAIN, William, ‘Political Theology I: System, Anarchy, Balance of Power’ (Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), 23 February 2017, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)

NEO, Jaclyn L. “Secularism without Liberalism” (Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of The Association of American Law Schools (AALS), 3-7 January 2017, San Francisco, California, USA)

HALPIN, Andrew, Working papers on SSRN "The Value of Hohfeldian Neutrality When Theorising About Legal Rights" and "Hohfeld and Rules"


BAIN, William, “Hugo Grotius and the Political Theology of International Order” (Paper presented at The ’Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th and 17th Centuries Conference, 10-12 November 2016, Central European University, Budapest)

BAIN, William, “The Anarchical Society as Christian Political Theology” (Paper presented at the British International Studies Association 41st Annual Conference, 14-17 June 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, “Authority and Public Law: Beyond Jurisdiction and Beyond Institutions” (Paper presented at The New Theories of the State’s Authority: Beyond the Separation of Powers Conference, 31 October 2016, NUS Law, Singapore)

DOWDLE, Michael, “Towards a Pure Theory of Authority, and its Implications for Public Law” (Paper presented at the New Theories of the State’s Authority: Beyond the Separation of Powers Conference, 31 October 2016, NUS Law, Singapore)

JHAVERI, Swati, “Administrative Constitutionalism” (Paper presented at the New Theories of the State’s Authority: Beyond the Separation of Powers Conference, 1 November 2016, NUS Law, Singapore)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, “Legitimacy of Whom?” (Paper presented at The 2016 Julius Stone Address and the JSI Conference 2016 – Legitimacy and the State, 13 to 15 October 2016, Sydney, Australia)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, “Legitimacy of Whom?” (Paper presented at The University of Melbourne’s Legal Theory Workshop, 7 October 2016, Melbourne, Australia)

FIELD, Sandra, "Aristocracy and the logic of Spinoza's political philosophy" (Paper presented at The Association for Political Theory 14th Annual Conference, 22 October 2016, Ohio State University, USA)

HALPIN, Andrew "Hohfeld and Rules" (Paper presented at the Symposium on the Work of Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, 14-15 October 2016, Yale Law School, United States)

PENNER, James "Hohfeld’s Equity" (Paper presented at the Symposium on the Work of Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, 14-15 October 2016, Yale Law School, United States)

JAMAL, Arif, "Freedom of Religion: Fundamental Right or Impossibility?" (Paper presented at the International Consortium of Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS) conference, 8-11 September 2016, Oxford, United Kingdom)

FIELD, Sandra, "Democracy and Depoliticised Acquiescence" (Paper presented at the Sydney Democracy Network Democracy Futures Seminar Series, 27 July 2016, University of Sydney, Australia)

FIELD, Sandra, "Aristocracy and the Logic of Spinoza's Political Philosophy" (Paper presented at The 16th Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh), 8 July 2016, Monash University, Australia)

SIMESTER, A.P. , "Complicity" (Paper presented at the 10th Annual Columbia-Ono Conference on Parties to an Offense: Perpetrators, Accomplices & Victims , 23 June 2016, Tel Aviv, Israel)

HALPIN, Andrew, "An Appropriate Analytical Scheme for Historical Perspectives on Property"( Invited paper presented at the Seminar on History and Theory of Property Law , 12 April 2016, Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context, United Kingdom)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Micro/Macro-Legitimacy and the Authority of the State" (Invited paper presented at the Annual Political Theory Symposium: Perspectives on State Authority and Democracy, 5 - 6 Feb 2016, National University of Singapore, Political Studies Department, Singapore)


HALPIN, Andrew, "An Appropriate Analytical Scheme for Historical Perspectives on Property"( Invited paper presented at the Seminar on History and Theory of Property Law , 12 April 2016, Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context, United Kingdom)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Micro/Macro-Legitimacy and the Authority of the State" (Invited paper presented at the Annual Political Theory Symposium: Perspectives on State Authority and Democracy, 5 - 6 Feb 2016, National University of Singapore, Political Studies Department, Singapore)

HALPIN, Andrew, "Questioning a Uniform Concept of Public Law". (Invited paper presented at the Martin Loughlin's Foundations of Public Law - A Critical Review, NUS Law Faculty, Singapore)

SIMESTER, A P, "Causation in the Criminal Law". (Presented at the Oxford Criminal Law Discussion Group 26 Feb 2015, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, United Kingdom)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Philosophical Foundations of Indigenous Law" (Paper presented at the Pre-Conference Workshop: Public Law in Three Nations, 9 - 10 Dec 2015, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia) (with John Borrows, Kirsty Gover and Claire Charters)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Officials at the Heart of Legal Theory" (Invited paper presented at the Victoria Colloquium in Political, Social and Legal Theory, 4 Dec 2015, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Response to Commentators: Book Symposium on 'Authorities'" (Paper presented at the Australian Society for Legal Philosophy Annual Conference, 12-14 Jun 2015, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia)


DOWDLE, Michael , "Law, Development and Geography: On the Regulatory Logic of the Periphery and its Implications for Law and Development" (Invited paper presented at the Past and Future of Law and Development , 8-9 Dec 2014, FGV DIREITO SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil).

Jaclyn Ling Chien NEO, JLCN, "ASEAN and International Religious Freedom". Oxford Journal of Law & Religion Summer Academy (Invited paper) (23 27 Jun 2014, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom)

JAMAL, A A, "Law's role in a post secular age". Philosophy in the Public Sphere (6 7 Nov 2014, OP Jindal Global University, Delhi (Sonepat), India)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Mind the Gaps: Authority and Legality in International Law". 2nd Conference on the Legitimacy of Global Institutions (3 4 Oct 2014, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Mind the Gaps: Authority and Legality in International Law". NUS Law Research Seminar Series ( 5 Nov 2014, NUS Law, Singapore)

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Relative v Liquid Authority". Liquid Authority in Global Governance (Invited paper) (Institut Barcelona D'Estudis Internacionals, Barcelona, Spain)

SIMESTER, A P, "Internalism". Oxford Criminal Law Discussion Paper (13 Feb 2014, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom)

SIMESTER, A P, "Proportionality and the Duty to Retreat". Uppsala Criminal Law Seminar (15 Sep 2014, Faculty of Law, University of Uppsala, United Kingdom)

