Centre for Legal Theory

Articles, Notes & Book Chapters



Arif A Jamal, “Criminalising talaq Muslim divorce in India is overkill” (2019) South China Morning Post
Terry Nardin, “The International Legal Order 1919–2019” (2019) International Relations
William Bain, “Continuity and Change in International Relations 1919-2019” (2019) 33(2) International Relations 132-141
William Bain, “International Anarchy and Political Theology: Rethinking the Legacy of Thomas Hobbes” (2019) 22(2) Journal of International Relations and Development 278-99
Rachel Leow, “Recovering Mistaken Payments before the Financial Ombudsman” (2019) Lloyds Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly 215-241
Rachel Leow, “Two Kinds of Agency” (2019) 93 Supreme Court Law Review 385-411
Ivan Lee, "British extradition practice in early colonial Hong Kong" (2019) 6(1) Law & History 85-114

Rachel Leow, “Understanding Agency: A Proxy Power Definition” (2019) 78(1) Cambridge Law Journal 99-123

J.R. Edwards and A.P. Simester, “Crime, Blameworthiness, and Outcomes” (2019) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies

Andrew Halpin, "Correlativity and its Logic: Asymmetry not Equality in the Law" (2019) 32(1) Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 83-108

Arif A Jamal & Jaclyn Neo, "Religious Pluralism and the Challenge for Secularism" (2019) 7(1) Journal of Law, Religion and State

Tan Zhong Xing, "Disrupting doctrine? Revisiting the doctrinal impact of relational contract theory" (2019) 39(1) Legal Studies 98-119  

Book Chapters

Farrah Ahmed & Swati Jhaveri, "Reclaiming Indian Administrative Law" in Devesh Kapur, Madhav Khosla eds.,  Regulation in India: Design, Capacity, Performance (Hart Publishing, 2019) 59-75

Swati Jhaveri, "Sunsetting suspension orders in Hong Kong" in Yap Po Jen ed., Constitutional Remedies in Asia  (Routledge, 2019) 49-63

Arif A. Jamal, "Regulatory Markers" in Jaclyn Neo, Arif A Jamal & Daniel P.S. Goh eds., Regulating Religion in Asia: Norms, Modes, and Challenges (Cambridge University Press, 2019) 19-37

Jaclyn Neo, "Conceptualizing the Regulation of Religion: A Preliminary Framework for Inquiry" in Jaclyn Neo, Arif A Jamal & Daniel P.S. Goh eds., Regulating Religion in Asia: Norms, Modes, and Challenges (Cambridge University Press, 2019) 38-58

Case Notes

A.P. Simester and G.R. Sullivan, “Causing Euthanasia” (2019) 135 Law Quarterly Review.



ROUGHAN, Nicole, “The Official Point of View and the Official Claim to Authority”, (2018) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 38, Issue 2, Summer 2018, 191–216.

HALPIN, Andrew, “The Tigerish Nature of Legal Normativity” (2018) Revus: Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law / Revija za ustavno teorijo in filozofijo prava [Online]

GRAF, Sinja, “A Trespass against the Whole Species”: Universal Crime and Sovereign Founding in John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government” (2018) 46(4) Political Theory

HALPIN, Andrew, "A Story of Jurisprudence and True Philosophy", JOTWELL Jurisprudence, 7 March 2018

PENNER, James, 'We All Make Mistakes: A ‘Duty of Virtue’ Theory of Restitutionary Liability for Mistaken Payments’ (2018) 81(2) Modern Law Review 222–246.

ROUGHAN, Nicole and HALPIN, Andrew, “A response” (2017) 8(4) Transnational Legal Theory, 415-423.

SCHUPMANN, Benjamin, “Responding to the rise of extremist populism” on OUPblog post, 5 Feb 2018.

Book Chapters

JAMAL, Arif A., “ADR and Islamic law: the cases of the UK and Singapore" in Nadirsyah Hosen ed., Research Handbook on Islamic Law and Society (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018) 120-140

DOWDLE, MW,"Questioning the Foundations of Public Law and Questioning Foundations of Public Law" in M Wilkinson & M Dowdle eds., Questioning the Foundations of Public Law (Hart Publishing 2018) (with Michael Wilkinson) 3-15
HALPIN, Andrew, "Questioning a Uniform Concept of Public Law" in M Wilkinson & M Dowdle eds., Questioning the Foundations of Public Law (Hart Publishing 2018) 33-49

PENNER, James,“Rights, Distributed and Undistributed: On the Distributive Justice Implications of Lockean Property Rights, Especially  in Land “ in James Penner & Michael Otsuka (eds.), Property Theory: Legal and Political Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 2018) 138-160

PENNER, James, "Private Law, Potentia and the Ethical: On What Justification Does the State Coercively Tax its Subjects in Order to Build Bridges, Fund the BBC, and Subsidise Charities?" in M Wilkinson & M Dowdle eds., Questioning the Foundations of Public Law (Hart Publishing 2018) 99-113



BAIN William, ‘International Anarchy and Political Theology: Rethinking the Legacy of Thomas Hobbes’, [2017] Journal of International Relations and Development 1-22
BAIN William & NARDIN Terry, “International Relations and Intellectual History” (2017) 31, no 3, International Relations 213–226

FRYDRYCH, David, “Rights Modelling,” (2017) Vol. XXX, No. 1 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 125-157
GRAF, Sinja, “A Wrong Done to Mankind: Colonial Perspectives on the Notion of Universal Crime” (2017) 31, no 3, International Relations 299–321
MCBRIDE, Mark, "Knowledge and Insanity" (2017) International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 1-12

NARDIN, Terry, “Kant’s Republican Theory of Justice and International Relations” (2017) 31, no 3, International Relations 357–372

NARDIN, Terry, “The New Realism and the Old” (2017) 20(3) Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 314-330

NEO, Jaclyn L., “Navigating Minority Inclusion and Permanent Division: Minorities and the Depoliticization of Ethnic Difference” (2017) 17 Jus Politicum 607-627

PENNER, James, " Autonomy, Religion and Politics: Reflections on Mathew Harding's Charity Law and the State" (2017) 41 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 126-138

SIMESTER, A.P., "What's Public about Crime?" (2017) 37(1) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (with James Edwards) 105-133

Book Chapters

BAIN, William, “The Anarchical Society as Christian Political Theology” in Hidemi Suganami, Madeline Carr and Adam Humphreys eds., The Anarchical Society at 40 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017)

HALPIN, Andrew & ROUGHAN, Nicole, " The Promises and Pursuits Pluralist Jurisprudence" In Andrew Halpin and Nicole Roughan eds., In Pursuit of Pluralist Jurisprudence (Cambridge University Press, 2017) 326-366

HALPIN, Andrew, " The Value of Hohfeldian Neutrality when Theorising about Legal Rights " in Mark McBride ed., New Essays on the Nature of Rights (Oxford: Hart, 2017) 1-30

JHAVERI, Swati, "Right to a Fair Hearing in Administrative Law Cases" in Grote R, Lachenmann F, Wolfrum R eds., Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press, 2017)
MCBRIDE, Mark, " The Tracking Theory of Rights" in Mark McBride ed., New Essays on the Nature of Rights (Oxford: Hart, 2017) 149-168
NARDIN, Terry, “Oakeshott as a Moralist,” in N. O’Sullivan, ed., Oakeshott's Place in Contemporary Western and Non-Western Thought (Imprint Academic, 2017) 56-72

PENNER, James, "Legal Powers and the Will and Interests Theories of Rights " in Mark McBride ed., New Essays on the Nature of Rights (Oxford: Hart, 2017) 99-126

PENNER, James, "Falsifying the Trust Account and Compensatory Equitable Compensation" in Degeling S, Varuhas J eds., Equitable Compensation and Disgorgement of Profit (Hart Publishing, 2017) 143-157



CHALMERS, Damian, "The Unconfined Power of European Union Law" (2016) 1, No.2 European Papers 405-437
HALPIN, Andrew, "The Applications of Bivalent Logic, and the Misapplication of Multivalent Logic to Law" in H Patrick Glenn and Lionel Smith eds., Law and the New Logics (Cambridge University Press, 2017) 208-235.

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Relativity under Review: A response to commentators on Authorities (Book Symposium)", 40 (2015) Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 212-228

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Mind the Gaps: Authority and Legality in International Law", 27(2) European Journal of International Law (2016) 329-351

TAN, Zhong Xing, "Beyond the Real and the Paper Deal: The Quest for Contextual Coherence in Contractual Interpretation" (2016) 79, no. 4 Modern Law Review 623-654

Book Chapters

JAMAL, Arif ,"Managing Religion Through "Religious Harmony": The Case of Singapore" in Rossella Bottoni, Rinaldo Cristofori, Silvio Ferrari eds., Religious Rules, State Law, and Normative Pluralism - A Comparative Overview, Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law 18 (Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016) 325-341

JHAVERI, Swati, "Contrasting Responses to the 'Coughlan' Moment: Legitimate Expectations in Hong Kong and Singapore" in M Groves and G Weeks eds., Legitimate Expectations in the Common Law World (London: Hart Publishing, 2017) 267-292



CHESTERMAN, Simon, "The International Court of Justice in Asia: Interpreting the Temple of Preah Vihear Case". Asian Journal of International Law, 5, no. 1 (2015): 1-6. (United Kingdom).
CHUA, L.J., "The Vernacular Mobilization of Human Rights in Myanmar's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Movement" (2015) 49(2) Law & Society Review 299-332
DOWDLE, MW, "On the Public-law Character of Competition Law: A Lesson of Asian Captialism". Fordham International Law Journal, 38, no. 2 (2015): 300-386. (United States).
ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Relativity under Review: A response to commentators on Authorities (Book Symposium)", 40 (2015) Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 212-228

ROUGHAN, Nicole, "Mind the Gaps: Authority and Legality in International Law", 27(2) European Journal of International Law (2016) 329-351

MCBRIDE, Mark, "Raz, practical inferences, promising, legal reasoning". Ratio Juris, 28, no. 2 (2015): 286-292. (United Kingdom).

SIMESTER, A P, "The Mens Rea of Attempts". Law Quarterly Review, 131 (2015): 169-173. (United Kingdom).

TAN, Zhong Xing, "The anatomy of contractual illegality". Common Law World Review, 44, no. 2 (2015): 99 - 122. (United Kingdom).

TAN, Zhong Xing, "Beyond the Real and the Paper Deal: The Quest for Contextual Coherence in Contractual Interpretation" (2016) 79, no. 4 Modern Law Review 623-654

Book Chapters

JAMAL, Arif ,"Managing Religion Through "Religious Harmony": The Case of Singapore" in Rossella Bottoni, Rinaldo Cristofori, Silvio Ferrari eds., Religious Rules, State Law, and Normative Pluralism - A Comparative Overview, Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law 18 (Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016) 325-341

STONE SWEET, Alec, "Eine weltbürgerliche Rechtsordnung: Verfassungsrechtlicher Pluralismus und gerichtlicher Umgang mit Grundrechten in Europa." In D. Grimm, A. Kemmerer, and C. Möllers, Gerüchte vom Recht Vorträge und Diskussionen aus dem Berliner Seminar Recht im Kontext. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015, 149-200. (In German)



CHESTERMAN, Simon, "International Criminal Law with Asian Characteristics?". Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 27, no. 2 (2014): 129 164. (United States).

CHESTERMAN, Simon, "The International Court of Justice in Asia: Interpreting the Temple of Preah Vihear Case". Asian Journal of International Law, 5 (2014): 1 6. (United Kingdom).

CHUA, L.J., "Charting Socio legal Scholarship on Southeast Asia: Key Themes and Future Directions". Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 9(1) (2014): 5-27 (United States).

Chua, L.J., "Rights Mobilization and the Campaign to Decriminalize Homosexuality in Singapore". Asian Journal of Law and Society (AsianJLS), 1(1) (2014): 205 28. (United Kingdom).

EDWARDS, J.E. and A P Simester, "Wrongfulness and Prohibitions". Criminal Law and Philosophy, 8 (2014): 171 186. (Netherlands).

HALPIN, Andrew, "The Search for Law". Jurisprudence, 5 (2014): 410 21. (United Kingdom).

HILDERBRANT, T. and L.J. Chua, "Negotiating In/visibility: The Political Economy of Lesbian Activism in Asia". Politics & Society, (2014). (United States).

HO, H L, "The Criminal Trial, the Rule of Law and the Exclusion of Unlawfully Obtained Evidence". Criminal Law and Philosophy, (2014). (Netherlands).

Jaclyn Ling Chien NEO, JLCN, "Incorporating Human Rights: Mitigated Dualism and Interpretation in Malaysian Courts". Asian Yearbook of International Law, (2014). (United States).

Jaclyn Ling Chien NEO, JLCN, "What’s in a name? Malaysia’s "Allah" controversy and the judicial intertwining of Islam with ethnic identity". International Journal of Constitutional Law, 12, no. 3 (2014): 751 768. (United Kingdom).

JAMAL, A A, "Comparative Law, Anti essentialism and Intersectionality: Reflections from Southeast Asia". Asian Journal of Comparative Law, (2014). (Singapore).

MCBRIDE, M, "Sensitivity and closure". Episteme: A Journal of Individual and Social Epistemology, 11, no. 02 (2014): 181 197. (United Kingdom).

PENNER, J E 'Intergenerational Justice and the "Hereditary Principle"' (2014) 8 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 195–217

PENNER, J E, "The (True) Nature of a Beneficiary’s Equitable Proprietary Interest Under a Trust". Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 27, no. 2 (2014): 473 500. (United States).

SIMESTER, A P and GR Sullivan, "Causation as Fault". Cambridge Law Journal, (2014): 14 17. (United Kingdom).

SIMESTER, A P and A von Hirsch, "On the Legitimate Objects of Criminalisation". Criminal Law and Philosophy, 2014, no. 8 (2014). (Netherlands).

SWATI, S J, "Judicialising Politics: A Role for the Courts in Political Reform in Hong Kong" (2011) Public Law 227-235

SWATI, S J, "Transforming Fairness as a Ground of Judicial Review in Hong Kong" (May 2013) 11 no. 2, International Journal of Constitutional Law

Book Chapters

CHESTERMAN, Simon, ""Unqualified Human Good" or a Bit of "Ruling Class Chatter"? The Rule of Law at the National and International Level". In International Rule of Law and Professional Ethics, ed. Vesselin Popovski, 19 48. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. 30 pp.

CHUA, L.J. and D. Gilbert, "State Violence, Human Rights Violations, and the Case of Apwint in Myanmar". In State, Gender, and Violence in Asia. Routledge, 2014.

EDWARDS, JR and A P SIMESTER*, "Prevention with a Moral Voice". In Liberal Criminal Theory: Essays for Andreas von Hirsch, ed. AP Simester, A du Bois Pedain, U Neumann, 43 65. United Kingdom: Hart Publishing, 2014. 23 pp.

HALPIN, Andrew, "The Creation and Use of Concepts of Law when Confronting Legal and Normative Plurality". In Concepts of Law: Comparative, Jurisprudential, and Social Science Perspectives, ed. Seán Patrick Donlan and Lukas Heckendorn Ursheler, 169 192. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014.

HALPIN, Andrew, "Bentham’s Limits and Hohfeld". In The Legal Philosophy and Influence of Jeremy Bentham: Essays on Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, ed. Guillaume Tusseau, 196 223. London: Routledge, 2014. 28 pp.

HO, H L, "Liberalism and the Criminal Trial". In Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Trial Procedure, ed. Paul Roberts. Surrey: Ashgate, 2014. (This is a reprint of an article previously published in a joint issue of SJLS and Sydney Law Review.).

JAMAL, A A, "Legal Theory". In Reading Law in Singapore, 2 ed., ed. Tang Hang Wu, Michael Hor and Nicholas Poon, 117 124. Singapore: LexisNexis, 2014. 7 pp.

JAMAL, A A, "The Ismaili Conciliation and Arbitration Board (CAB) in India: a model of community justice?". In Being Muslim in South Asia: Diversity and Daily Life, ed. Robin Jeffrey and Ronojoy Sen, 141 160. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014. 19 pp.

PENNER, J E, "Is Loyalty a Virtue, and Even If It Is, Does It Really Help Explain Fiduciary Liability?". In Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law, ed. Andrew S Gold & Paul B Miller, 159 175. Oxford University Press Philosophical Foundations of Law Series. Oxford: Oxford

PENNER J E, ‘Aristotle, Arendt, and the Gentleman: How the Conception of Remuneration Figures in our Understanding of a Right to Work and Be Paid’ in V. Mantouvalou (ed), The Right to Work: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (Oxford: Hart, 2014), 87-97

PENNER, J E, ‘Promises, Agreements, and Contracts’ in G Klass, G Letsas, and P Saprai (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law (Oxford: OUP, 2014), 116-134

SIMESTER, A P and A von Hirsch, "Criminalisation, Wrongs and Reasons". In Essays on Criminalisation and Sanctions, ed. M. Ulvang and I. Cameron, 69 87. Uppsala: Iustis Forlag, 2014. 19pp

SWATI, S J, "The Content of Fundamental and Other Constitutional Rights in Hong Kong". In Judicial Review in Hong Kong, 2 ed., ed. Richard Gordon QC, Johnny Mok, comp., 181 249. Hong Kong: Lexis Nexis Butterworths, 2014. 68 pp.

TAN, Z X , "The Province of Jurisprudence Unbound: Re-Conceptualizing Law in a World of Normative Diversity, Interaction and Conflict", opening essay in Kierkegaard, S. (ed.), Law & Practice: Critical Analysis and Legal Reasoning (2013), re-published in (2014) 7(4) International Journal of Private Law 297
