Centre for Legal Theory
Personal Particulars
Doctor Michael SEVEL
Senior Lecturer
Department & Institution
Sydney Law School
The University of Sydney
Email Contact
Senior Lecturer
Department & Institution
Sydney Law School
The University of Sydney
Email Contact
Research Interests
Moral Philosophy/Ethics
Political Philosophy
Rule of Law
Moral Philosophy/Ethics
Political Philosophy
Rule of Law
Representative Publications
Michael Sevel, ‘Legal Positivism and the Rule of Law’ (2009) 34 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy
Michael Sevel, ‘Lost at Sea: The Continuing Decline of the Supreme Court in Admiralty’ (2017) 71(4) University of Miami Law Review 938
Michael Sevel, ‘The Constitution of Authority’ (2014) 5(2) Jurisprudence 430
Michael Sevel, ‘Lost at Sea: The Continuing Decline of the Supreme Court in Admiralty’ (2017) 71(4) University of Miami Law Review 938
Michael Sevel, ‘The Constitution of Authority’ (2014) 5(2) Jurisprudence 430