Centre for Legal Theory
Personal Particulars
Associate Professor Uwe STEINHOFF
Associate Professor
Department & Institution
Department of Politics and Public Administration
The University of Hong Kong
Email Contact
Associate Professor
Department & Institution
Department of Politics and Public Administration
The University of Hong Kong
Email Contact
Research Interests
Criminal Law Theory
Global Justice
Just War Theory
Social Justice
Global Justice
Just War Theory
Social Justice
Representative Publications
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘Against Pogge’s ‘Cosmopolitanism’’ (2013) 26(3) Ratio 329
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘Just Cause and ‘Right Intention’’ (2014) 13(1) Journal of Military Ethics 32
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘Proportionality in Self-Defense’ (2017) 21(3) The Journal of Ethics 263
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘What Is War-And Can a Lone Individual Wage One?’ (2009) 23(1) International Journal of Applied Philosophy 133
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘When may soldiers participate in war?’ (2016) 8(2) International Theory 236
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘Just Cause and ‘Right Intention’’ (2014) 13(1) Journal of Military Ethics 32
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘Proportionality in Self-Defense’ (2017) 21(3) The Journal of Ethics 263
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘What Is War-And Can a Lone Individual Wage One?’ (2009) 23(1) International Journal of Applied Philosophy 133
Uwe Steinhoff, ‘When may soldiers participate in war?’ (2016) 8(2) International Theory 236