Centre for Legal Theory


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Personal Particulars
Research Interests
Comparative Legal Theory
Private International Law Theory
Private Law Theory
Representative Publications
Dai Yokomizo, ‘Conflict of Laws in the Era of Globalization’ (2014) 57 Japanese Yearbook of International Law 179

Dai Yokomizo, ‘Recent Development of the Japanese Nationality Act - Acquisition of Japanese Natonality through Acknowledgement after Birth’ (2014) 225 Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics 1

Dai Yokomizo, ‘Sports Arbitration in Japan’ (2014) 7(2) Comtemporary Asia Arbitration Journal 341

Dai Yokomizo, ‘The Development of Legal Education in Japan - The Case of the Leading Program at Nagoya University’ [2017] TLI Think! Paper

Dai Yokomizo, Yuki Asano, Hiroki Harada and Takeshi Fujitani, ‘Globalization and Law in a Local Context: Experiences from the Japanese Research Group on Public and Private Law’ [2016] TLI Think! Paper
