Centre for Legal Theory


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Personal Particulars
Research Interests
Administrative Law Theory
Constitutional Theory
Private Law Theory
Representative Publications
Swati Jhaveri & Jaclyn Neo, ‘The Many Facets of Constitutional Dialogue: The Case of Singapore’ (2017) 18(1) Australian Journal of Asian Law 1

Swati Jhaveri, ‘Localising Administrative Law in Singapore: Embracing Inter-Branch Equality’ (2017) 29 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 828

Swati Jhaveri, ‘Reconstitutionalizing Politics in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China’ (2018) 13(1) Asian Journal of Comparative Law 27

Swati Jhaveri, ‘The Survival of Reasonableness Review: Confirming the Boundaries’ (2018) 46(1) Federal Law Review 137

Swati Jhaveri, Michael Ramsden & Anne Scully-Hill, Hong Kong Administrative Law (2nd edn, Lexis Nexis Butterworths 2013)
