Centre for Legal Theory
Personal Particulars
Mister Timothy LIAU
Sheridan Fellow
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law
National University Of Singapore
Email Contact
Sheridan Fellow
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law
National University Of Singapore
Email Contact
Research Interests
Commercial Law Theory
Contract Law Theory
Private Law Theory
Property Law Theory
Unjust Enrichment
Contract Law Theory
Private Law Theory
Property Law Theory
Unjust Enrichment
Representative Publications
Timothy Liau & Rachel Leow, ‘Resulting Trusts: A Victory for Unjust Enrichment?’ (2014) 73(3) Cambridge Law Journal 500
Timothy Liau & Rachel Leow, ‘Unjust Enrichment and Restitution in Singapore - Where Now and Where Next’ (2013) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 331
Timothy Liau, ‘Abolishing the fiction of fraud in the Misrepresentation Act’ (2015) 4 Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 464
Timothy Liau, ‘Characterisation and Shams following Contextual Contractual Interpretation: a view from Singapore’ (2014) 1 Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 13
Timothy Liau, ‘Is Criminalising Directorial Negligence a Good Idea?’ (2014) 14(1) Journal of Corporate Law Studies 175
Timothy Liau & Rachel Leow, ‘Unjust Enrichment and Restitution in Singapore - Where Now and Where Next’ (2013) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 331
Timothy Liau, ‘Abolishing the fiction of fraud in the Misrepresentation Act’ (2015) 4 Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 464
Timothy Liau, ‘Characterisation and Shams following Contextual Contractual Interpretation: a view from Singapore’ (2014) 1 Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 13
Timothy Liau, ‘Is Criminalising Directorial Negligence a Good Idea?’ (2014) 14(1) Journal of Corporate Law Studies 175