Centre for Legal Theory
Personal Particulars
Doctor Diego Germán MEJÍA-LEMOS
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law
National University Of Singapore
Email Contact
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law
National University Of Singapore
Email Contact
Research Interests
International Law Theory
Representative Publications
Diego Germán Mejia-Lemos, ‘Advisory Opinion OC-22/16’ (2018) 111(4) American Journal of International Law, 1000-1006
Diego Germán Mejia-Lemos, ‘On Self-Reflectivity, Performativity and Conditions for Existence of Sources of Law in International Law’ (2014) 57 German Yearbook of International Law 289
Diego Germán Mejia-Lemos, ‘The “Quimbaya Treasure,” Judgment SU-649/17’ (2019) 113(1) American Journal of International Law, 122-130
Diego Germán Mejia-Lemos, ‘Venezuela’s Denunciation of the American Convention on Human Rights’ (2013) 17(1) American Society of International Law (ASIL) Insights
Diego Germán Mejia-Lemos, ‘On Self-Reflectivity, Performativity and Conditions for Existence of Sources of Law in International Law’ (2014) 57 German Yearbook of International Law 289
Diego Germán Mejia-Lemos, ‘The “Quimbaya Treasure,” Judgment SU-649/17’ (2019) 113(1) American Journal of International Law, 122-130
Diego Germán Mejia-Lemos, ‘Venezuela’s Denunciation of the American Convention on Human Rights’ (2013) 17(1) American Society of International Law (ASIL) Insights