Centre for Legal Theory
Personal Particulars
Professor Victor V. RAMRAJ
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law, University of Victoria
University of Victoria
Email Contact
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law, University of Victoria
University of Victoria
Email Contact
Research Interests
Constitutional Theory
Global governance and Transnational Law
Global governance and Transnational Law
Representative Publications
Victor V. Ramraj & Arun K. Thiruvengadam (eds), Emergency Powers in Asia: Exploring the Limits of Legality (Cambridge University Press 2010)
Victor V. Ramraj (ed), Emergencies and the Limits of Legality (Cambridge University Press 2009)
Victor V. Ramraj, ‘Prospects for Judicial Review of Transnational Private Regulation: Singapore and Canada’ (2016) 21(2) Tilburg Law Review 230
Victor V. Ramraj, ‘The elusive quest for precision in a messy pluralist reality’ (2017) 8(4) Transnational Legal Theory 373
Victor V. Ramraj, ‘Transnational Non-State Regulation and Domestic Administrative Law’ in Susan Rose-Ackerman, Peter L. Lindseth & Blake Emerson (eds), Comparative Administrative Law (Edward Elgar 2017) 582
Victor V. Ramraj (ed), Emergencies and the Limits of Legality (Cambridge University Press 2009)
Victor V. Ramraj, ‘Prospects for Judicial Review of Transnational Private Regulation: Singapore and Canada’ (2016) 21(2) Tilburg Law Review 230
Victor V. Ramraj, ‘The elusive quest for precision in a messy pluralist reality’ (2017) 8(4) Transnational Legal Theory 373
Victor V. Ramraj, ‘Transnational Non-State Regulation and Domestic Administrative Law’ in Susan Rose-Ackerman, Peter L. Lindseth & Blake Emerson (eds), Comparative Administrative Law (Edward Elgar 2017) 582