Centre for Legal Theory
Personal Particulars
Professor Minchihiro KAINO
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law
Doshisha University
Email Contact
Department & Institution
Faculty of Law
Doshisha University
Email Contact
International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (Japan Section)
International Society for Utilitarian Studies
Japanese Society for British Philosophy
International Society for Utilitarian Studies
Japanese Society for British Philosophy
Research Interests
Codification Theory
Legal Ideology
Legal Ideology
Representative Publications
Minchihiro Kaino, ‘Bentham’s Concept of Security in a Global Context: The Pannomion and the Public Opinion Tribunal as a Universal Plan’ (2009) 11(1) Journal of Bentham Studies 1
Minchihiro Kaino, ‘Bentham’s Legal Theory and the Common Law Tradition: Defining Some Key Elements of Continuity’ (2012) 4(2) Storia e Politica 291
Minchihiro Kaino, ‘Brian Tamanaha’s Historical Study and His Concept of Balanced Realism’ in Kosuke Nasu (ed), Insights about the Nature of Law from History: The 11th Kobe Lecture, 2014 (Franz Steiner Verlag 2017) 71
Minchihiro Kaino, ‘Review: Xiaobo Zhai and Michael Quinn eds., Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public’ (2015) 17(1) Journal of Bentham Studies 1
Minchihiro Kaino, ‘Bentham’s Legal Theory and the Common Law Tradition: Defining Some Key Elements of Continuity’ (2012) 4(2) Storia e Politica 291
Minchihiro Kaino, ‘Brian Tamanaha’s Historical Study and His Concept of Balanced Realism’ in Kosuke Nasu (ed), Insights about the Nature of Law from History: The 11th Kobe Lecture, 2014 (Franz Steiner Verlag 2017) 71
Minchihiro Kaino, ‘Review: Xiaobo Zhai and Michael Quinn eds., Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public’ (2015) 17(1) Journal of Bentham Studies 1