ASLI Working Paper Series

Publication Title The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Impact On The Policy And The Law Of Vietnam From 2007 Onwards
Publisher Asian Law Institute
Series WPS029
Publication Date Jul 2013
Author/Speaker Nguyen Thanh Tam
Vietnam became the 150th full member of the WTO on 11 January 2007. Being a member of the WTO does not in itself mark the fulfillment of Vietnam’s international economic integration, but it is a significant landmark in Vietnam’s renewal ("Doi moi"), creating a socialist-oriented market economy, an "open door" policy, and generally helping to further Vietnam’s attempts over the last 25 years to achieve a higher international economic profile.

Upon accession to the WTO, Vietnam committed to comply with the WTO’s agreements. The impact of the WTO on the law and policy of Vietnam has been extremely significant. Vietnam, previously a "closed door" economy, has changed into an "open door" economy, and has turned from being a planned economy to a socialist-oriented market economy. Membership of the WTO has also had a positive impact on building and improving the legal system of Vietnam, leading to administrative and judicial reforms. The efficient implementation of law and policy has always been a major concern of the government of Vietnam, as well as of foreign investors.

The six years of Vietnam’s membership of the WTO is not long enough to assess the full extent of the WTO’s impact, and there is certainly more to be done. This paper will give an overview of the landmarks of Vietnam’s international integration (I); two decades of policy and law reform: period 1986-2006 (II); the summary of the WTO’s commitments of Vietnam (III); and try to comment on the WTO’s impact on the policy and law of Vietnam from 2007 onwards (IV).
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