ASLI Working Paper Series

Publication Title The Stagnation of Law and Democracy in Regional Government in Indonesia
Publisher Asian Law Institute
Series WPS036
Publication Date Dec 2014
Author/Speaker Satrya Pangadaran Marpaung
Indonesia is a unified state that recognises democracy and the rule of law. The second amendment to Article 18 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, which relates to regional autonomy, has done much to further both these ideals. However, it is difficult to maintain the democratic process where regionally elected officials are concerned. In addition, regional elections tend to be influenced disproportionately by ethnic and cultural groups. This has a negative effect on the values associated with real democracy. Moreover, regional leaders have a great deal of authority in managing their areas (through taxes and levies) and expend a considerable amount of money on regional elections, a problem which is compounded by widespread corruption. This paper will examine some of the problems of regional government which have an adverse impact on democracy.
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