Forthcoming |
Regulating Religion in Asia: Norms, Modes and Challenges
Jaclyn L. NEO, Daniel P.S. GOH and Arif A. JAMAL (eds)
Cambridge University Press
2018 |
Islam, Law and the Modern State: (Re)imagining Liberal Theory in Muslim Contexts
Routledge, 2018
2017 |
Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach
Dan W. PUCHNIAK, Harald BAUM and Luke NOTTAGE (eds)
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Constitutions, Religion and Politics in Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka
Dian A. H. SHAH
Cambridge University Press, 2017
The Beijing Consensus? How China has Changed Western Ideas of Law and Economic Development
CHEN Weitseng (ed)
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Geographical Indications at the Crossroads of Trade, Development, and Culture : Focus on Asia-Pacific
Irene CALBOLI and NG-LOY Wee Loon (eds)
Cambridge University Press, 2017
2016 |
Constitutionalism and Legal Change in Myanmar
Andrew HARDING (ed) with the assistance of Khin Khin Oo
Hart Publishing / Bloomsbury, 2016
Islam and the State in Myanmar : Muslim-Buddhist Relations and the Politics of Belonging
Melissa CROUCH (ed)
Oxford University Press, 2016
Constitutional Interpretation in Singapore : Theory and practice
Jaclyn L. NEO (ed)
Routledge, 2016
Criminal Law in Myanmar
CHAN Wing Cheong, Michael HOR, Mark McBRIDE, Neil MORGAN and Stanley YEO
Lexis Nexis, 2016
Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Andrew HARDING, HU Jiaxiang and Matthias VANHULLEBUSCH (eds)
Brill, 2016
Confucian Constitutionalism in East Asia
BUI Ngoc Son
Routledge, 2016
Money Matters in Myanmar: Banking and Finance Law and Practice
Yvonne WONG
LexisNexis, 2016
2015 |
Criminal Law in Malaysia and Singapore, (Revised 2nd Edn)
Stanley YEO, Neil MORGAN and CHAN Wing Cheong
LexisNexis Singapore, 2015
Land Grabs in Asia: What Role for the Law?
Andrew HARDING and Connie CARTER (eds)
Routledge, 2015
Central-Local Relations in Asian Constitutional Systems
Andrew HARDING and Mark SIDEL (eds)
Hart Publishing, 2015
2014 |
Company Law in China: Regulation of Business Organizations in a Socialist Market Economy
Jiangyu WANG
Edward Elgar, 2014
Australian Criminal Justice (5th Edn)
Stanley YEO
Oxford University Press, 2014
50 Years of Malaysia: Federalism Revisited
Andrew James HARDING and James CHIN (eds)
Marshall Cavendish, 2014
Law, Society and Transition in Myanmar
Melissa CROUCH and Tim LINDSEY
Hart Publishing, 2014
Diversity in Intellectual Property: Identities, Interests, and Intersections
Irene CALBOLI & Srividhya RAGAVAN (eds)
Cambridge University Press, 2015
2013 |
Criminal Law for the 21st Century - A Model Code for Singapore
CHAN Wing Cheong, Stanley YEO and Michael HOR
Academy Publishing Singapore, 2013
Law and Religion in Indonesia: Conflict and the Courts in West Java
Melissa CROUCH
Routledge, 2013
A Financial Centre for Two Empires: Hong Kong's Corporate, Securities and Tax Laws in its Transition from Britain to China
WANG Jiangyu, David C. DONALD and Jefferson VANDERWOLK
Cambridge University Press, 2013
'Crimes against Peace' and International Law
Cambridge University Press, 2013