Centre for Legal Theory
Abstracts of Occasional Seminars
Macaulay, Codification and the Indian Penal Code: A
Study in Reputation
By Sundram Soosay
Modern criminal law across much of what was formerly
British-controlled Asia began life in the draft
Penal Code composed by Thomas Babington Macaulay,
then legal representative of the Governor-General's
Legislative Council of British India. The Code was
to be a fresh start, a repudiation of all that had
come before. With this in mind, Macaulay looked not
to the law as he found it in India at the time, nor
to the law of England, which he thought beyond
redemption, but to other examples of enlightened
late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century legal
reform. Rather than work to produce a Code derived
from careful study of existing law, his task was to
be one of general or universal jurisprudence, his
Code largely a product of speculative invention.
For a time, Macaulay's draft Code looked unlikely to
succeed, being resisted in particular by the legal
profession and the senior judiciary particularly.
Unusually, however, resistance to Macaulay’s effort
was eventually overcome and his Code has gone on to
enjoy success in application and no small acclaim.
The uncommon success of Macaulay’s effort therefore
invites careful scrutiny, for there are surely
valuable lessons to be had for the common law world
more generally. As we will see, however, and
contrary to contemporary academic opinion, the
lessons to be learned from the Indian Penal Code are
negative rather than positive. If the Code has been
a success, it has been one only in a highly
qualified sense, and more, the success it has
enjoyed has come despite rather than because of
Macaulay and the very modern aspirations he brought
to his project.
Promise Made
By Daniel Markovits
This paper articulates an answer to the familiar
problem of why promise-breaking is a wrong even in
the absence of expectation or reliance by the
promise. It seeks to connect promises to
independently characterized human interests whose
promotion depends on the intentions that promises
characteristically involve. Persons are sociable
creatures, which is to say that they have a
fundamental interest in reciprocally recognizing and
engaging one another as persons; that is, as agents
who possess independent wills and whose intentions
(and not just interests) therefore assert
free-standing claims on one another’s practical
lives. Promise—both promise-making and
promise-keeping—constitutes an instance of such
recognition, a form of social solidarity. Breaking a
promise, by contrast, undermines solidarity. It
involves a kind of insult, which alienates or
estranges the promisor and promisee, placing their
intentions undesirably at odds—that is, into a
relation that sets back their interest in
solidarity. Promise breaking has this consequence,
moreover, even where the promisee has neither relied
nor formed any promissory expectations. Even in this
case, therefore, promissory obligation stands not
bare but rather clothed by the human interest in
about Justice
By Mathias Risse
My book, On Global Justice, is about distributive
justice at the global level. My view in that book
brings a broad range of human affairs under the
purview of justice but also thinks of demands of
justice as the most stringent moral demands. As
opposed to that, influential accounts of justice
conceive of justice either as broadly applicable but
not as stringent the way I do, or else as similarly
stringent but not as broadly applicable the way I
do. Ernst Tugendhat exemplifies the former approach,
Immanuel Kant the latter. Their approaches generate
an objection to mine. Justice, the objector may say,
can either be defined, as Tugendhat does, in terms
of the kind of situation to which it applies, and
then would plausibly apply to a much broader set of
contexts than what my theory accommodates. Or else
justice can be defined in terms of its stringency,
as Kant does, but then not even all those contexts
where I talk about justice qualify. In elaboration
and defense, I argue that it is sensible to limit
justice to a narrower range of situations than
Tugendhat allows, while thinking of the stringency
of justice in such a way that a broader class of
cases is covered than Kant allows.
It’s Only Words: On Meaning and Mens Rea
By Findlay Stark
In English law, mens rea terms can be defined
differently depending on the context. This article
attacks this approach, arguing that it pays
insufficient attention to the criminal law's twin
needs to communicate effective guidance to citizens
who wish to avoid punishment, and to control the
discretion accorded to the criminal law's
institutions. It would be preferable to have clear
definitions of mens rea terms applied uniformly
across the criminal law. If there are gaps, these
ought to be filled by additional mens rea terms. The
practical issues raised by this argument are
considered briefly.
Dworkin and the Common Law
By Sundram Soosay
Dworkin often gave the impression that he was
interested in presenting a more realistic, craft- or
practitioner-oriented account of law. As such,
Dworkin is sometimes thought to belong to the common
law tradition. He did indeed share with the common
law theorists the insistence that law works through
a community of human actors, and judicial discretion
is not marginal. Despite this, however, Dworkin was
ambivalent about the common law tradition and never
embraced it explicitly. And when we look more
closely, we can see some key differences. For
thinkers belonging to the common law tradition,
disagreement, though inescapable, is far less
problematic than it is for Dworkin. Fundamentally,
Dworkin saw the process of legal interpretation as
constructive. For the common law tradition, by
contrast, legal interpretation is a form of
practical interpretation that is oriented towards
modest problem-solving.
Ultimately, by contrast with the common law
thinkers, Dworkin’s theory of law as integrity does
not aim at accuracy or realism. Dworkin’s project,
and his gifts, were persuasive and rhetorical; his
work does not provide insight into how any of the
processes described actually function.
We all make
By James Penner
Here I raise for consideration a particular
perspective on the moral foundation of liability to
make restitution of mistaken payments. I want to
suggest that, similar (though not identical to) the
way the law might instantiate a duty of easy rescue
as a “crystallisation” of the general duty of
beneficence, liability for mistaken payments counts
as an instantiation of the same duty of beneficence.
If this is right, then one of Birk’s most cherished
theses – that the law of unjust enrichment is a
distinctive aspect of private law, not to be
assimilated to contract, tort, or the law of
property – can be made out: it is distinctive in
having an entirely different normative source: one
has to look to Part Two of the Metaphysics of
Morals, not Part One. But it is made out at a price
– in the same way that a legal system can function
more or less justly without a duty of easy rescue, a
legal system could function more or less justly
without a liability to return the value of mistaken
payments. Moreover, if this is right, another of
Birk’s cherished theses would have to be abandoned:
his thesis that liability for mistaken payment is
the archetype or paradigmatic case of liability for
unjust enrichment. On the duty of virtue explanation
of liability for mistaken payments, this liability
is contingently instantiated in the system, a
normative outlier, very much not a paradigm.
Why Constitutional Rights Matter
By Alon Harel
This chapter argues that a society in which the
legislature honours rights but is not
constitutionally bound to do so is inferior to a
society in which the legislature is bound by
constitutional duties protecting individual rights
(and complies with them). The latter society is
superior for the reason that in such a society
individuals do not live “at the mercy” of the
Compare a state A in which a benevolent legislature
refrains from violating the rights of individuals
or, even, protects these rights vigorously with a
state B in which rights are protected to the same
extent as in state A, but they are also enshrined in
a constitution or bill of rights. Given that there
are no other differences between the two states,
which scheme (if any) is superior? Is it valuable to
constitutionally entrench pre-existing
moral/political rights even when such an
entrenchment is not conducive to the protection of
these rights? Do constitutional rights matter, and,
if so, why? This essay addresses those questions and
maintains that constitutional rights matter, as the
constitutional entrenchment of pre-existing
moral/political rights is valuable (independently of
whether such an entrenchment is conducive to the
protection of these rights).
Normativity of Law
By Liam Murphy
This paper is a chapter from a book I am writing
about the nature of law. The main focus of the book
is competing theories of the grounds of law—the
considerations relevant to determining the content
of the law in force. There are a range of views, but
for the most part I have in mind just two. By
“positivism,” I mean the view that the grounds of
law are entirely matters of social fact, that moral
considerations are never relevant. By
“nonpositivism” I mean the view that moral
considerations are always in principle relevant to
determining the content of law. Ronald Dworkin’s
legal theory is the most important example of
nonpositivism, but it comprises several strong
commitments that are not essential to nonpositivism
in my undemanding sense of the term.
I argue that these two views reflect different
foundational understandings of the kind of thing law
is and that compelling arguments for either view are
unlikely to be found. However, this does not leave
us never having a unique answer to a question about
the content of law because despite appearances the
two approaches overlap considerably in particular
cases. In most cases, the difference in the eligible
grounds of law makes no difference to the factors
that are actually playing a role in determining the
content of law.
In some cases, however, the different theories of
law do require different conclusions about the
content of law. Does it matter that we have this
standoff about the grounds of law that in some cases
leads to different answers to questions about law’s
content? The standoff matters only if knowing what
the law is matters. This chapter continues a
discussion of whether law matters by asking whether,
in particular, it matters because it provides us
with moral reasons to comply with it.