Centre for Legal Theory

The 5th NUS-Sydney Law Symposium

Nicole ROUGHAN, Centre for Legal Theory, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
Kevin WALTON, Julius Stone Institute for Jurisprudence, Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney

The symposium was held at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, from 30 September to 1 October 2016. Jointly organised by the Julius Stone Institute for Jurisprudence (Sydney) and the NUS Law Centre for Legal Theory, the symposium focused on the theme “Law, Values and Reason”.

The Centres hope to encourage broad engagement across both Faculties, between scholars working on theoretical questions in any field, not simply jurisprudence narrowly construed.

The Symposium, convened by Nicole Roughan (NUS Law) and Kevin Walton (Sydney Law), hopes to encourage broad engagement across both Faculties, between scholars working on theoretical questions in any field, not simply jurisprudence narrowly construed.
The following papers were presented:

A Foray Down the Methodological Rabbit Hole
David Frydrych, National University of Singapore

Public Reason in the Universe of Reasons
Wojciech Sadurski, The University of Sydney

A Kantian System of Constitutional Justice
Alec Stone Sweet, National University of Singapore

Administrative Regulation-making: Contrasting Parliamentary to Deliberative Legitimacy
Andrew Edgar, The University of Sydney

Citizenship as Weapon: Distinctions between Citizenship Deprivation in the United Kingdom and Australia”
Rayner Thwaites, The University of Sydney

The Significance of Criminal Responsibility
Arlie Loughnan, The University of Sydney

Tendency Evidence’ and ‘Coincidence Evidence’: What's the Difference
David Hamer, The University of Sydney

The Transnational Legal Imaginary and Its Hierarchy of Value
Damian Chalmers, National University of Singapore

The Official Point of View and the Official Claim to Authority
Nicole Roughan, National University of Singapore

Philosophical Anarchism Revisited
Michael Sevel, The University of Sydney

Can Obedience to the Law be Obligatory?
Kevin Walton, The University of Sydney


  Programme Schedule
Speakers’ Biographies
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