A Workshop, 'New Work on
Property Theory' was held at the Faculty of Law,
National University of Singapore, on 28 – 29
July 2016.
The theory of property, both in legal philosophy
and moral and political philosophy more widely,
remains a topic of profound interest. The
project will convene an invitation-only workshop
on the philosophy of property with a roster of
7-9 outstanding participants. The research
project follows on from the publication by the
PI and Henry Smith of Harvard University of the
edited collection Philosophical Foundations of
Property Law (OUP 2014), but with a broader
‘property and political/legal theory’ theme.
The following papers were presented:
" 'Pure' Estopple in Private Law"
Larissa Katz (University of Toronto) via
"Appropriating Lockean Appropriation on Behalf
of Equality"
Michael Otsuka (London School of Economics)
"Two ways of theorizing 'collective ownership of
the Earth"
Johan Olshoorn (KU Leuven)
"The distributed and the undistributed; Lockean
property rights, especially in land"
James Penner (National University of
"Lockean Property Theory in Confucian Thought"
Norman Ho (Peking University School of
Transnational Law)
"The Role of Use In Defining Property Rights: A
Response to Douglas & McFarlane’ʼ
Christopher Newman (George Mason University)
via Skype
"The Public Nature of Private Property"
Lisa Austin (University of Toronto)
"What is the Right to Exclude and Why Does it
James Stern (William & Mary Law School)
"Is Original Acquisition Problematic?"
Nicholas Sage (London School of Economics)
Programme Schedule
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