NUS Law Grading

Grading of Law Courses

The grading policy at NUS Law for a course of reasonable size (20 or more) is generally as follows:

A+, A, A- B+, B B-, C+, C D+, D, F
20-25% 35-40% 35-40% 0-5%

However, this does not mean that 20-25% of students in a particular course are guaranteed “A+, A, A-” grades.

Grading is not based solely on individual performance, but also on relative performance (i.e. compared to other students in a particular course). Where students pursuing different programmes (i.e. LLB, JD, LLM or PhD) are in the same course, they will be graded separately according to their programme’s course codes. This means LLB students enrolled in Lx4xxx will be graded as one group, LLM students enrolled in Lx5xxx as one group etc.

Note that this grading policy applies only to NUS Law and should not be interpreted as a statement of NUS grading policy generally.











