Research Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


BA (Diponegoro), LLB (Gadjah Mada), Master of Management (Gadjah Mada), LLM (Harvard), PhD (NUS)

Thesis Title
Foreign Investment Protection in Indonesia: To What Extent is Arbitration An Effective Part of the Process?

Associate Professor Gary Bell and Professor Lawrence Boo

Current Affiliation & Designation
Senior Lecturer, Tarumanagara University Law Faculty, Jakarta


PhD Experience in NUS
As a student from a non-English speaking country with extensive experience in civil law, I found the rigorous work of pursuing a PhD an emotionally tough and difficult experience. To my pleasant surprise, the NUS Law Faculty and its surroundings played a significant role in helping me overcome that challenge. The support began with faculty members, in particular my supervisors, and management staff who were dedicated, committed and professional. My fellow classmates and friends coming from different countries with their diverse backgrounds also greatly enriched my experience. Their friendship, assistance and encouragement made my academic pursuits more enjoyable and meaningful. And Singapore itself is an exciting experience, with its safe and convenient environment. Looking back, doing a PhD was both challenging and rewarding for me, and I will always fondly remember the time I spent writing my thesis.
