Research Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
People's Republic of China
LLB (Guongdong University of Foreign Studies), LLM in Corporate & Financial Services, PHD (NUS)
Thesis Title
Limited Partnership in China: An Evaluation
Associate Professor Yeo Hwee Ying
Current Affiliation & Designation
Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
PhD Experience in NUS
My time at NUS Law was a life-changing experience. The PhD programme prepared me very well for an academic career. I benefited a lot from the wide variety of seminars and events offered at NUS and the generous funding for research and conferences. I am very grateful to the extremely dedicated and engaging faculty for the high quality supervision. The incredibly brilliant fellow students and the exceptionally supportive staff at the Graduate Division and the C J Koh Law LiIbrary also made a great difference to the NUS PhD programme.