Research Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Switzerland and Germany
PhD (National University of Singapore, MA International Law (University of London, SOAS), BA Chinese Studies and Economics (Beijing Language and Culture University)
Thesis Title
China’s Free Trade Agreement Strategies: Securing the Chinese Developmental State and Socialist Market Economy
Professor Damian John Chalmers and Professor Wang Jiangyu
Current Affiliation & Designation
Postdoctoral Fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong
PhD Experience in NUS
The doctoral journey at NUS Law is truly a profoundly reflective, life-transforming, and horizon-widening experience. It equips us with invaluable lifelong tools to undertake rigorous, original, and independent academic research, and gifts us with unique friendships. The Graduate Research Seminar taught us the necessary methodologies and skills to navigate the PhD. The Doctoral Workshops allowed us to receive constructive feedback on our findings and arguments, and proactively engage with those of our peers. The regular Faculty Research Workshops, Seminars, and international conferences, exposed us to critical thinking from various fields and jurisdictions, and challenged our intellectual quests thanks to direct interaction with experienced legal scholars.
My deepest gratitude goes to my thesis advisors, examiners, Vice Dean (Research) team, library staff, doctoral and post-doctoral colleagues, as well as NUS Law Faculty Members at large, for generously sharing their invaluable advice, knowledge, and wisdom, and for their unwavering support throughout this journey.