Research Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


MSc Law & Finance (University of Oxford, United Kingdom), B.Com LL.B (Hons.) (Gujarat National Law University, India)

President’s Graduate Fellowship (2020 to present)
J N Tata Endowment Grant (2019)
MLF Financial Aid Award (2019)
GNLU Scholarship for Research Assistance (2011-2013)

Thesis Title
Directors’ Duties & Stakeholders’ Interests: Envisaging an Enforcement Mechanism

Associate Professor Umakanth Varottil

Research Interest
Corporate Governance
Comparative Corporate Law
Corporate Social Responsibility
Business & Human Rights
Securities Law

Representative Publications
1. Good Intention, but a Bad Approach: The Proposal to Reform Directors’ Duties under Article 25 of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, NOVA BHRE Blog (February 2023).
2. Side-pocketing: A plausible liquidity management tool for the Indian mutual fund industry, Oxford Business Law Blog (January 2018) (Top 20 posts in 2018-19) (Oxford Legal Research Paper Series).
3. Punjab National Bank Fraud: Revisiting the regulatory and corporate governance systems, South Asia @ LSE Blog (May 2018).
4. Is India Inc ready to raise the corporate governance bar? Business Standard, October 15, 2017.
5. The Fate of Class Action Suits in India: Then & Now? [2014] 4 Company Law Journal (25).

Work Experience
Associate Editor, Oxford Business Law Blog (2019-2020)
Research Fellow (Corporate & Financial Law), Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, New Delhi (2017-2019)
Associate (General Corporate), Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, Mumbai (2015-2017)
