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Name Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address 1b13 Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, RUSSIA
Join Date 30/06/2015
Lomonosov Moscow State University is the oldest University in Russia. It was founded on January 25, 1755. Faculty of Law was one of the three original faculties. Nowadays Faculty of Law is the leading educational and scientific legal institution in Russia. Scientists in our institution are conducting an extensive program of scientific research in various areas of law, making a significant contribution to the improvement of the Russian legislation and providing scientific advice to various national and international bodies on legal issues. The Faculty of Law has all the necessary conditions for the training of qualified lawyers. We have more than 60 PhD professors, more than 100 PhD associate professors. There is possibility for individual courses made by famous lawyers and civil servants or legal courses organized by leading law firms and legal departments of large firms. This system’s name is Masters’ School. These courses are aimed at the practical side of the study of law.

Dean of our Law Faculty is Professor Alexander K. Golichenkov, PhD, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation. There are 16 departments and 3 laboratories in the Faculty. Faculty cooperates with leading universities around the world. Our students have the opportunity to go to study on exchange since 2011. Faculty of Law adopted Bologna System. Now there are 4-years bachelor programs divided to three paths: state, civil and criminal. Graduated-bachelors have an opportunity to continue their education in the 2-years master programs There are several programs in Law of foreign countries. One of the most priority directions of development is Asian countries. We are organizing courses of languages and laws of Asian countries, papering legal researches. Graduates of our Law Faculty are working in the government, civil and public services, courts, prosecutors’ offices, as attorneys in law.