Member Details

Name Sumpah Pemuda, School of Law
Address Jln. Animan Athyat No.1610 Palembang, INDONESIA
Join Date 30/06/2017
In order to participate in the intellectual life of the nation and encourage the procurement of human resources in the field of legal science, skill and quality to face the challenges of modern times, the College of Law was established. The institute is named STIHPADA (College of Law-STIHPADA). The intention to name after Youth Pledge is to always commemorate the determination of youths to inculcate the unity and oneness of the nation struggling to achieve independence. Inheritance of the fighting spirit of youths in STIHPADA was established in the vows of the youths. In terms of the availability of higher education which is associated with the large number of Middle School Umumn in South Sumatra region scope and the existence of a higher education institution specializing to law study program, as well as the basis of reasoning, hence, the STIHPADA was established.