Member Details

Name Keio University Law School
Address 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku Tokyo 108-8345, JAPAN
Join Date 30/05/2019
Keio University Law School, established in 2004 with the founding principles of "internationalism, multidisciplinarism and pioneerism", has come to occupy a position as one of Japan's top law schools. We have established a strong track record of "internationalism", with many non-Japanese adjunct and full-time research faculty members, and a curriculum that includes a fair amount of courses conducted in English, generally with a focus on business law. In addition, the Law School accepts a total of 10 exchange students each semester from partner law schools around the globe.

The faculty of the Law School consists of approximately 60 full-time professors and around 130 adjunct professors. The faculty is drawn from among the leading academics, judges, prosecutors, and private practitioners in Japan.