Member Details

Name National Taiwan University, College of Law
Address No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617, Chinese Taipei, TAIWAN (ROC)
Join Date 21/03/2003
The College of Law used to be the Law Department of the previous College of Law, which also included the Departments of Political Science, Social Science and Economics. On June 15, 1996, it was resolved at the second meeting of the University Council during the spring term of 1995 academic year to transform the Law Department into the College of Social Science, effective from August 1, 1999. At present, under the College of Law, there are the Law Department (with Graduate Institute) and the Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies.

There are three Division of Legal Science, the Division of Judicial Administration and the Division of Economic and Financial Law. Undergraduate legal education provides basic training for legal professionals and facilitates the development of state and society. It has been the college’s educational policy to maintain a balance between theoretical research and practical training. We also support the teaching staff of the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Development. The goals of our graduate legal education are to expand academic frontiers and to train top-level academic researchers. The Graduate Institute of Law is divided into six divisions: Fundamental Legal study,” “Public Law,” “Criminal law,” “Civil and Commercial Law,” “Economic Law,” “Financial and Tax Law,” “International Law.” In recent years, we have striven to promote the quality and quantity of our research. The Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies has been concentrating on interdisciplinary legal studies. We expect that law professionals with expertise in other fields will not only provide practical talent, but also stimulate the academic research environment in Taiwan.

In order to advance mutual scholarly research, several research centers containing various law fields have been set up. Those eight centers are: “Center for Law and Society,” “Center for Law and Technology and Ethic,” “Public Law Center,” “Finance and Economic Law Center,” “Center of Criminal Justice,” “Center for Corporate and Financial Law,” “Fundamental Legal Studies center,” “Civil and Commercial Law Center,” “Center for Human Rights and Jurisprudence,” and “Asian Center for WTO and International Health Law and Policy.”

The College of Law has been actively promoting international academic exchange. We have agreements with outstanding universities in Asia, Europe, and America. Cooperative research plans have been undertaken and conferences held regularly. We hope to bring forth Taiwan’s legal experiences and fresh ideas of professors into international academic circles, and elevate the NTU College of Law to a leading position of international law study.

To adjust the education goal and methods is one of our main aims, as well. We believe that interdisciplinary ability is required to analyze and effectively solve real cases. Thus the combination of substantive and procedural law is especially emphasized. The Curriculum aims to fulfill this need, and the integration of European Law and Anglo-American Law are another main focus.