Member Details

Name The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law
Address 4th Floor K. K. Leung Building, HONG KONG
Join Date 21/03/2003
The University of Hong Kong first opened its doors in 1911. Its Department of Law was established in 1969 as part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. In 1978, the Department parted company with the social scientists and became a School with an autonomous Board of Studies. On 1 July 1984, it matured into a full-fledged Faculty of Law, comprising the Department of Law (responsible for the three-year Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree) and the Department of Professional Legal Education (which administers a one-year course leading to the award of the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL)). In 1986-87, the Faculty introduced a programme leading to the degree of Master of Laws (LLM). The programme concentrates upon international trade law, commercial law, transport law, tax law, human rights law, international law and the laws of the PRC and East Asia, and is directed particularly, although not exclusively, at young graduates in practice.