Member Details

Name Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Jakarta)
Address Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 51, Gedung C. Lantai. 3, Jakarta 12390, INDONESIA
Join Date 23/07/2008
The Faculty of Law was established on July 3, 1965, and started operating early in September 1965 at St. Theresia Junior High School Building, Central Jakarta. The lectures at the Semanggi Campus started early in March 1971. Today, the secretariat of the faculty is centered on the third floor of the C Building, while the lectures are conducted in the Yustinus and BKS Buildings.

Within almost 40 years, the Faculty of Law has been flourishing. The number of students has mounted from 141 in 1965 to currently around 1,500, with 30 full-time and 60 part-time lecturers. According to a survey conducted by Tempo magazine in October 2003, the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University ranked favorite law school in Jakarta, after its University of Indonesia and Trisakti University counterparts.

Our Faculty offer 4 areas of interrest, which is:

- Business Economic Law

- Civil Law

- Criminal Law

- International Law

-Constitutional Law