Member Details

Name NALSAR University of Law
Address National Academy of Legal Studies and Research, Justice City, Shameerpet, R.R. District, Hyderabad, 500 078, A.P., INDIA
Join Date 30/06/2013
NALSAR University of Law has become one of the leading institutions in the country, imparting education in law and allied fields. Established under the Andhra Pradesh Act 34 of 1998, which came in to effect from June 15, 1998, the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University is a residential university engaged in teaching and promoting research in law and allied disciplines and a body corporate having a perpetual succession and a common seal.

The mission of this University will is the creation of a generation of able, competent and humane lawyers who will not only enter the legal profession, but also address effectively the imperatives of the new millennium.

NALSAR currently publishes nine Journals regularly namely, NALSAR Law Review, The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law, Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law, Medical Law Review, The Indian Journal if Law & Economics and Environmental Law & Practice Review, ADR Review, Journal of Corporsate Affairs and Crimes and NALSAR Student Law Review