Member Details

Name Kyushu University, Faculty of Law
Address 6-19-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, 812-8581, JAPAN
Join Date 21/03/2003
Kyushu University, Faculty of Law was founded in 1924 as part of Kyushu Imperial University School of Law and Literature. In 1949, the Faculty of Law separated from the School of Law and Literature and since that time has been an autonomous department. From its foundation, the Faculty of Law has maintained a position of national preeminence in education and research in both the fields of law and political science, as well as making a significant contribution to the development of legal policy within Japan. Over the last decade, a number of significant measures have been taken by the Faculty of Law in order to improve performance in research and education related activities as well as to make an appropriate contribution to the local, national and international community. Of particular importance, was the inauguration, in 1994, of an LL.M. program in international economic and business law. Taught entirely in English, the LL.M. program offers international students the unique opportunity to study at a Japanese university. In our personnel appointments we have also adopted a progressive approach, appointing faculty from diverse backgrounds, as well as from abroad. As a result of this policy, we can respond to the need to produce education and research in both fundamental and practical fields..Furthermore, the Faculty of Law has made a number of reforms in terms of its internal management. In particular, the introduction of a system of external appraisal has placed us at the cutting edge amongst Japanese institutions. Most recently, in April 2004 the Faculty launched its Law School. To respond to the challenges of the 21st century, a new system of legal education has been adopted in Japan with the creation of US style graduate level Law Schools in major universities. These Law Schools will strive to produce a new generation of high quality lawyers who can meet the changing needs of society. In School Year 2006-2007, there are 885 undergraduate students (including 20 foreign students), 162 graduate students (including 72 foreign students), and 77 teaching staff. The diverse interests and backgrounds of the teaching staff and the relatively high number of foreign students that have resulted from our recent reforms now represent distinctive features of our department.