Member Details

Name Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Address 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Taipei City 11529, TAIWAN (ROC)
Join Date 30/06/2014
Currently in the IIAS, there are 19 research professors, 2 joint-appointed research professors, and 2 post-doctoral fellows. The IIAS aims to set an example for advanced legal studies in Taiwan, as well as to be firmly established in the international legal research scenes. (Core Research Fields) Identifying crucial fields for Taiwan that present potential competitive edges, the IIAS Founding Proposal carefully selected six core research fields, on which resources and talents are to concentrate:

1. Constitutional Structure and Human Rights Protection.

2. Administrative Regulation and Judicial Remedies

3. Law, Science and Technology

4. Legal Thought and Social Change

5. Legal Development in China, Hong Kong and Macau

6. Judiciary System, Judicial Behaviour and Legislative Studies. Research in each field is to be coordinated with talents in other academic institutions and to be closely tie to contemporary developments in the current world so that legal research may meet the present challenges and contribute to the advancement of well-being of all.