Member Details

Name The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Address 6/F Lee Shau Kee Building, Shatin, HONG KONG
Join Date 30/06/2015
Founded in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a forward-looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. As a top university in Hong Kong and Asia, CUHK aims to nuture students with both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life. CUHK undertakes a wide range of research programmes in many subject areas, and strives to provide scope for all academic staff to undertake consultancy and collaborative projects with industry.

The CUHK Faculty of Law is innovative and responsive to the pace of legal developments locally, regionally and internationally. The Faculty offers an undergraduate programme (Bachelor of Laws), five postgraduate programmes (Juris Doctor, Master of Laws (LLM) in Chinese Business Law, LLM in Common Law, LLM in International Economic Law, Postgraduate Certificate in Laws), and research programmes (Master of Philosophy in Laws, Doctor in Philosophy in Laws). Its Innovative academic programmes have been designed with advice from prominent academics and senior members of the legal profession. Students are encouraged to develop a deep understanding of legal practice and theory.

The Faculty is highly international in character with professors and teachers coming from seventeen different jurisdiction including Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Mainland China Hong Kong, Taiwan and other parts of Asia. Law students at CUHK will participate in a co-operative and innovative community dedicated to teaching, research and international exchange bring the best of China to the world and the best of the word to China.