The registration is closed. If you are interested to attend the conference as a non-presenter, you are welcomed to register as a walk-in participant at Kyushu University on 26 May 2011. Entry Visa Application Participants are strongly advised to call the Japanese Embassy in their country of residence directly or consult their respective Embassy websites for the complete details on the Japanese visa application process. For participant who are required to apply for an entry visa to Japan, you will need to download and complete the following supporting documents. Click HERE to download the Supporting Documents Request Form Click HERE to download the Schedule of Stay Form After completing the two forms, please email them to Ms Yoshie TAKAHARA at email address: Do note that there are only two deadlines to submit the forms to Kyushu University : 1st deadline date: March 10, 2010 After receiving the two documents, Kyushu University, as the host institution, will prepare the following supporting documents for your visa-application:
Please be advised that preparing the visa-application-supporting-documents will take some time to be completed and be delivered by post. You are strongly advised to make prepare your application early. Optional Dinner Cruise
Participants are responsible for their own accommodation and flight arrangements. Do note that the demand for hotel guestrooms is generally high in Fukuoka. You are advised to make these arrangements by 10 May 2011 to avoid any disappointment in hotel guestroom or air-ticket availability. Click here to book your hotel accommodation through our approved travel agent in Japan..